Friday, March 7, 2025


Yesterday I spent a couple of hours watching
a tutorial and then experimenting with
Google Docs.

Yes, I'm old.
I've never really used docs before!

But now that I know how..... watch out!

I put an agenda up and even was able to link to
the minutes from the prior week's meeting as well
as a link to the girl's presidency meeting minutes.

Just got off of today's presidency zoom meeting.
(Thank goodness for Zoom... with our ward spread
out over nearly 60 square miles, and we are all in
the 4 corners...)

But I needed to find a better background.
I sit in front of a white wall... and I have my 
work background...

Which is fine for business meetings... but kind of ugly.

So I just found something I think I'll use for my other meetings.

Who knows, I might even use it to teach sometimes.
I have a bunch of Christmas and Halloween backgrounds,
but I wanted something a little more spring-ish.
And then I saw this one and decided I liked it.


I'm also wondering what on earth I was thinking...
I signed us up to feed the missionaries on Tuesday.

But we will have to stand in the backyard.
We don't have a table.
Or enough chairs.
I mean, we can probably scrape together enough
including our desk chairs... and I have 4 TV trays...
but..... hahahaha.
I might have to bring in the white table we use for
the farmer's market and set it up in the living room.

I guess it also depends on who comes. We have 4 Elders.
I don't think I can put 7 people in my house.

First world problems.

But for now, I need to get ready to start tonight's class
in a bit. I'm hoping while I was in the meeting the
mailman came, I am expecting a package and it's WINDY
out there, so I want to catch it before it blows away.

HA! Just heard the UPS guy, he opens the screen door
and puts my package between the doors. He's a good guy.
I ordered a new long t-shirt dress.
Hope I like it.

Ok. Enough rambling.

(Oh, I talked to the builder and the "guts" guys yesterday and
they are both working on new, updated proposals for us... so
I'll be watching my email for those as well!)

Thursday, March 6, 2025

We Love WaKeeney!

 So, you know our little town bills itself as the
Christmas City of the High Plains.

They take Christmas to a new level.

And now..... even MORE!

June 25, 2025 is LEON Day!

There will be a GAZILLION people there.
(If the crowd for Halloween was any indication...)

Just looks like FUN!

(Fun fact, I used to work for the architects and we had
an electrical engineer named Noel. I always called him Leon.)
(He probably hated it.)
He called the Town of Malabar one day, with a question
about a project he was working on in our town.
I was all like... LEON!!!!!!
I'm a 12 year old.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Left Ya' Hangin'.... OOPS!

 I called Mom yesterday morning and shared
the NEWS with her...
and Rozann, Nancy and Sondra already knew...
but I forgot to update the rest of y'all!

(ugh, don't you hate it when people say that???)


Gotta remedy that now.

Sondra and I are BOTH
We are arriving on April 4 about 10:30 in the morning.
And we are staying until April 8 and not leaving until
about 4:30 in the afternoon!
(Which means no "middle of the night" flights!)
(THANK YOU REID for taking me!)


That's just a short month away!

I'm working on getting subs for my classes on Mon & Fri.
I'm SO looking forward to it!
(And Rozann said her casita [my FAVORITE PLACE] is
all spruced up and ready for visitors!)
Nancy and Reid have an amazing casita.
It's like staying in a 5 star resort.
I love it, I feel pampered!

Rozann and Greg have an adorable casita and when
I stay in it I feel like I'm in a playhouse!
I don't know... I just love it. It feels like home to me.


Besides all that... yesterday I made some beef bone broth
in the pressure cooker. I wasn't super impressed.
When we used to get our steers butchered, we got
BONES. These guys packaged up a hunk of meat with
a little round bone in the center and called it a soup bone.
We'll need to have a conversation before our next order.

I put a gallon (almost) of whole milk in the crockpot
and made some fresh yogurt.

It made a full crock of nice, tangy yogurt.
I didn't strain it, Kyle doesn't care for greek yogurt.
(And my yogurt strainer is............?)

Kyle prefers flavored yogurt (he is working on a gut issue from
taking oil of oregano daily for several weeks...)
So we have a small tub of watermelon/limeade,
a large tub of plain, a berry blue and a strawberry.
The watermelon was a "TrueLime" drink mix.
The others are just flavored jello.
We'll see how it works out after it's been in the fridge
for a bit and set up some.
It was a little runny for my preference, but I can always
strain a small amount for me if I want.

It felt good to get back to making yogurt.

And the SAVINGS!!!
A gallon of whole milk was just about $4.
Each container of yogurt (Walmart brand) is
about $5. So about $18 worth of yogurt for $4.
Not bad!

And it's SOOOOO easy!
*Yes Sabrina, EASY!

In a crockpot (you have one...) dump a gallon of whole milk.
Turn it on LOW and set a timer for 2.5 hours. (This works perfectly
if you do it right as soon as you get home from work...)
When the timer goes off, unplug it and set a timer for 3 hours.
Just before bed (when the timer goes off) stir in a small tub
of store bought, plain yogurt. (I used Chobani this time.)
Wrap the whole thing up in a big bath towel.
In the morning, you have YOGURT!
The longer it sits, the tangier it gets. I started mine 
about 11:30 yesterday morning, so it sat wrapped from 5 last night
until about 8:30 this morning so it's good and tangy.


We got some pretty good winds yesterday.
And then about noon it started snowing and snowed all day.
We ended up with a light dusting. It will all melt today.

The guys are headed to the farm.
(Kyle's shoulder is feeling better and he has SERIOUS
cabin fever!)
I'm heading into Hays for groceries.
It's Linger Longer this weekend after church and the
theme this month is sandwiches. I signed up for
lettuce, tomatoes and cheese slices.
So I need to pick those up.
And we need salad.

So... Happy Wednesday everybody!

Monday, March 3, 2025

New Habit!

 I'm starting a new habit!

I'm going to call and chat with Mom EVERY TUESDAY MORNING
at 8:30 Tucson time.
(That's 9:30 WaKeeney time, for those who are wondering...
like ME..... lol.)

Sondra and I have been chatting 
I remember chatting with her when I was working
in Melbourne at MIMA.
That's been FOREVER ago.

It's a good thing to look forward to.
(And if she doesn't call, Kyle reminds me that 
she doesn't love me anymore... lol.)
(Soni doesn't read my blog... ha!)

I'm looking forward to chatting!
I mostly write my blog for Mom.
(It started for fun, then morphed into a way
to stay in touch with Rod while he was on the road,
but Mom has been my most consistent reader.)

But, there's just something about an actual
VOICE chat.

And.......  tomorrow I have NEWS!!!

Cliff Hanger.

Meanwhile, I'll leave you with a fun picture.

The boys found a long lost cousin.

The weather was warm, but it was windy here today,
so it felt cooler than it really was.
Tomorrow they are predicting WIND.
(65 - 75 mph... mild hurricane winds...)
Should be fun.

Kyle was "home sick" today.
He did drywall all last week and stressed the muscles
in his left shoulder. And then he tried to stretch it
out and felt it go POP.

So... now it's heating pads, massages, and lots and 
lots of comfrey and arnica.
And fingers crossed it gets better quickly, 
because he REALLY wants to finish his house!

But it was good to take a day off.
(or two... or three... or whatever it takes.)

Friday, February 28, 2025

Good Trip!

 It was a good trip!
We got lots of questions answered,
and I think we have a plan moving forward.....

we had a FUN visit together!

It was good to see Jim!
He and Kyle got to spend some time together.
I'm looking forward to Jim & Sabrina joining us
in the great midwest...

Just finished our first new YW Presidency meeting.
And now I need to get ready to start tonight's class.

Rod and Kyle are at the farm working on the house.
Beau is in his bed next to me,
snoring his head off...

All is right with the world.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Springfield, MISSOURI

 We had a good, relatively uneventful drive out here.
The new car is very comfy.
But either the people out here can't drive,
or they don't care for Ford Escapes.

THREE different drivers nearly took off our
bumper as they were passing.
Practically clipped it right off....

But, we got here to the Angler's Lodge across from
the Bass Pro Shops. (Same as in November...)

And five minutes after we got here...

Not bad considering he drove for 18 hours and
we both arrived at nearly the same time!

We stopped at a rest area in Kansas...
never stopped here before.
They had cool buffalo heads on the wall...

I didn't get a great picture...

There was a guy standing right there and I didn't want him to
think I was taking a picture of him... lol.

Look where we turned!!!

Once we got here, we walked up the street to a 
burger joint called Braums.
And saw some of the locals...

This morning after breakfast in the hotel lobby,
we headed to the Vital Farms meeting.

It was good! They upgraded their presentation and
I felt like we got lots of answers to questions.
But it was COOOOOOLD in there!

Then it was back to the hotel so I could teach.
The guys went across the street to Bass Pro to check out
the gun museum and then back across the street to a pool/bar
and played a couple games of pool.
Now that I'm done teaching, we are going back to Braums 
for a milk shake and then it's bed, because
we all have to head home again in the morning.

it was quick, but FUN, and we got a lot accomplished.


Monday, February 24, 2025

Glad I'm NOT in Florida Today...

 I got a text early this morning that woke me up...

The morning instructor teaches a live class in Tampa
and then gets up Monday morning and drives to her
house which is about an hour and 45 minutes away.

So she got up and headed out from her hotel,
and as soon as she got on the highway...


She said it was raining, but there were three major
wrecks on the highway, involving life flight helicopters.

Her GPS said she would arrive at her destination at 10:00.

We visited while she parked and crept 3/4 of a mile in 35 minutes.

But I started her class for her.
She just finally arrived at her house and logged on.
And after all that, there is only ONE student.
(A returning student who attends both of our classes...
she has to log off at 10:45 for her 4 year annual checkup.
Her breast cancer is in remission!!!!)


That was a fun start to our days.

I've got a 1:00 appointment with our town hairdresser
(who is the Primary Chorister)
to get a haircut.

So maybe I'll hop on later with a picture.
Or not...
we'll see.

And then tomorrow, we are off to Springfield!!!

Happy Monday Y'all!