Yesterday I didn't show up at the office until 10. I "had" to ride my horse.
This morning I took Rod to the eye doctor at 8 - he didn't realize he was out of eye drops and his prescription had expired. And they needed to SEE him (since it's been 8 months since his last pressure check...) His pressure was good - holding steady - he has to go in for more eye mapping (or whatever they call it) in September. They took fancy pictures and she seemed happy enough... (but she's kind of hard to read...) After the eye doc, we did some errand running and then he went to bed and Kyle and I went kayaking! (He got the day off today in exchange for working Monday...)
It was a GLORIOUS day on ol' Turkey Creek. The sun was shining (it got pretty warm once or twice) with a light breeze and a good current on the way back. We even met several other people out kayaking and enjoying the morning.
We also met a Mom and her baby Manatee - doing what sea cows do best... Grazing. They swam right under our kayaks and Kyle got a good picture of them - but he hasn't sent it to me yet. He was all "I wanted to pet it, but wanted to get a picture first..." I was all "I don't want them to tip me over - the water is LOVELY as long as it is outside the boat and I'm inside it..."
We followed along behind them for quite awhile until we got to a nice little cove where they stopped to graze and we got some pictures. However, ever the techie, I couldn't figure out how to zoom in using my phone camera (and I was wearing sun glasses instead of glasses glasses and couldn't see any of the little icons anyway... I love self focusing things cuz I can't see - so I just point and shoot and hope for the best...)
I finally made it to the office about noon. Which means I have to work until dark tonight to make my hours. (And I'll have to take 4 hours PTO this week since I have to leave early to drive down to school on Friday and I haven't worked more than 8 hours any day this week!) Oh well - that's what personal time is all about. Sometimes you just gotta enjoy living in Paradise!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha - it really DOES look like a giant gator getting ready to eat the manatee! Thanks Mom! |