What a morning.
My alarm went off at 6:00.
I hit the snooze, cuz I had just heard Rod come in the door.
So I got to snuggle for a minute or two before it went off again.
At 6:15.
Which means my complex morning choreography would need
to be tweaked and closely adhered to.
I went to the barn.
Hung the fermented chicken feed so it could drain.
Put feed in the horses’ feed buckets.
Not looking first.
CJ’s had about 2 inches of water in it.
(We got LOTS of rain overnight…)
Brought in the horses.
Closed Buddy’s gate behind him.
Closed CJ’s gate behind him.
Saw the neighbor’s 2 cats crossing the pasture.
So I stood and watched for a minute.
And then realized I was standing in a fire ant hill.
And now my cowboy boots were full of them.
Ran to the feed room (the only place with a floor)
pulled off my boots and frantically flailed at my feet
and legs to remove the little nasties.
So now I have burning/itching bites on my toes,
between my toes,
on my calves,
and my fingers.
(And one gratuitous one on my forearm…)
Then I dashed up to the house and let the dogs out.
And heard a loud noise from the barn.
I forgot to close Andy’s door,
so he was taking full advantage and
let himself into the feed room,
popped the lid off the metal can
and was helping himself to the rabbit food.
Ran through the giant puddle/lake in front of the barn
(getting good and wet in the process)
(but cool rainwater feels good on ant bites!)
and pushed him out of the feed room.
So, naturally, instead of going out to the pasture,
he headed out to the middle yard by the house.
Got the hay, put it in the pasture,
got Andy, put HIM in the pasture,
let the others out into the pasture,
closed the gate.
Grabbed the chicken feed and poured it into
the girl’s troughs.
Put some in the little coop for Mama and her babies.
Noticed feathers.
No “extra” brooder.
(I have/had another black chicken who was going broody,
sitting in the nest in the middle coop,
my fault – I didn’t kick her off or lock her in…)
She was gone.
Only feathers left.
Good thing I didn’t order eggs for her to sit on.
I don’t have time to deal with it right now.
Let the chickens out for the day.
Called the dogs IN for breakfast.
They ignored me.
The neighbor’s cats had headed home and got caught half way there.
By the dogs.
“Treed” on the trailer in the back of our property.
All 3 dogs going nuts.
Go to the house to put out dog food.
Hoping they will either catch the cats or give up.
Walk back out.
They are still running around like idiots at the back of the property.
Grab a rope.
Meanwhile, the neighbors are out of town for the weekend,
so the lady who takes care of their horses arrives.
The cats see her, know it means food,
they take the gamble and jump the fence and go home.
Now my dogs are bored,
realize I am calling them to breakfast
and come running.
(I’m looking at my watch… I have 6 minutes to be on the road to work)
Check all the gates.
All are closed.
Everybody is eating their breakfast.
Dogs are in the garage eating theirs.
(Pull the door closed so they are safe inside too…)
Run inside,
Grab clothes.
(Luckily I set them out the night before)
Down my supplements.
Grab my purse and keys.
Jump in the truck.
Low Fuel Light comes on.
Dash down the highway
(driving safely and following all posted speed limit signs)
Only 2 minutes behind schedule.
My mouth feels funny.
I forgot to brush my teeth!
(Luckily, I keep a tooth brush and paste in my desk…)
Careen (at a safe speed) into the driveway at Sonic.
Big black Cadillac SUV cuts me off and hits the drive-thru first.
And stops at the FIRST sign.
3 minutes later, they make their breakfast selection
and pull forward.
(The delivery truck was there too and couldn’t unload cuz
the Escalade was in his way too…)
(We shared some meaningful eye rolls…)
(We are friends now.)
Got my breakfast.
Took longer to run my debit card than to hand me the burrito.
I was now 5 minutes behind schedule.
Made it to my office.
The timeclock program on my computer won’t come up.
Oh, and there’s another storm heading our way.
Dorian is out there churning away.
I’m blaming the grey skies and drizzling rain on him.
My husband made it home safely last night.
My pastures are green and lush.
My babies are growing and ADORABLE.
My kitchen is a MESS.
(ha ha ha ha – just tossed that one in there)
I’m OFF this weekend.
When you get handed lemons,
make lemonaide.
Have a great Friday!
***And now the sun is shining! It's a GLORIOUS morning!