Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Moving Day

The Red Hens turned one month on Friday.
And they were filling the brooder.
And tromping on the little silkies.

So Saturday was moving day for everybody.

First the pennies (red stars) moved into the "condo".
They have lots of room to stretch out now.
Fluffy, our white silkie just can't wrap her
head around not living in there, so she
joined them.

The baby silkies then moved into one of the
rabbit houses. 
It's smaller and they can grow up in there
without anybody trying to stomp on them.
They are FILTHY since I feed a wet
fermented feed. The big girls get feed on their
feet and then walk on the littles.

The littles now have a feeder with a lid.

And they will be getting a bath.

Of course, that means the bunnies had to move too.
We are trying "colony breeding" for awhile.
All 4 are living together in the big half of their house.
They all get along well.
And I'm tired of getting my hands shredded with
their back claws when I move them around.

Rod moved them all for me wearing long sleeves
and leather gloves and no scratches...

Now everybody has their own space.

Of course, there's always a malcontent...

Pearl has become a master escapeee.
And has encouraged others.
When I get home at night there's usually
5 or 6 (or more) running around the yard.
Still a small percentage, but sheesh!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday Off

For a couple of weeks, Rod has Friday off.
Starting in November his schedule will change.

To SUNDAYS off!!!  YEA!!!
(Also Mondays...)

But today, he is off.

Which means he is working.
For ME!  (ok, US)

He had to get up early and take a class
at work to be certified to drive on the runway.
And get his OFFICIAL badge.
Naturally, he aced it.

And then he went shopping.

Luckily he was able to fit it all in his trunk.
He's used to having a pickup truck.
You can fit EVERYTHING in a truck.
A little Honda is a bit more restrictive.

The girls need water.
And everybody in town has been out of waterers.
There were 2 at Tractor Supply.
Everybody in town is now out again.

And the back pastures need to be seeded for the
winter rye crop (grazing, not harvest).
But first they need to be FED!
Florida is a wonderful place.
But our dirt is AWFUL!
(Ok, it's not dirt.  It's SAND.)

And all those waterers are a pain in the neck
to fill with a 5 gallon bucket.
(Of course I could carry the waterer to the
spigot - but they are heavy, and they spill...)
So a new hose was in the cart.

Awesome - we are ready for a busy and productive Saturday!
Thanks Darling!!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

My Mother

Today is my Fabulous Mother’s

Never mind how old she is.

It’s just a number anyway, right?

In grand ol' tradition, Mom sits with a
"boyfriend" found in Utah.

They are celebrating in Lake Louise today.
It’s a gorgeous resort in Alberta.
Up in the mountains.
With a fabulous ski chalet.

35 years ago, they did the same thing.

35 years ago my Mom was so excited
to spend a romantic weekend with her
wonderful husband at a lovely place,
that on the way out of the house
instead of walking down the stairs
like the dignified mother of 5 she is,
she hopped off the corner into some snow
like the giddy girl she was feeling.

She fell.
She sprained her wrist.

It just added to the romance.
Her sweetie even cut her steak for her!

When she got home, her doctor son-in-law
took one look and pronounced it

Having never broken a bone in her life,
she didn’t know what it felt like.
She just knew it hurt.

It wasn’t fun.
But it’s one of my favorite stories.
And leads to lots of other favorite
stories that radiate out of that cast.

She is an amazing woman.
She is an amazing role model.
She is an amazing example of Christ-like love.
She is loving.
She is patient.
She is kind.
She is humble.
She is wise.
She is LOVED.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Great Day!

Today is a GREAT day.

First of all,
this is Mom and Dad's


They are "hiding" in the back, in the dark.
I know, hard to "hide" while wearing
a BRIGHT sweater and an
awesome hat...

But whatever.

Sixty Years together?
You can wear whatever you want.
Especially if you are HOLDING HANDS.

We all got together to celebrate in August.
A great time was had by all.
It was fantastic to honor 60 years.

But what was even more awesome
was recognizing that this is
Just the Beginning.

Marriage for Time and All Eternity
is so much cooler than
"Til death do we part".

Can you imagine living, loving, working together
for 60+ years and then it's just
... OVER?

Eternal marriage.
One of Heavenly Father's BEST things.


Speaking of Best Things...
my darling husband
started his new job this morning.

This was the email he sent me this morning...

No hat on my head, first time in 33 years.
Feel like I am not dressed. Lol

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
He took his giant tool box over yesterday.
So he was ready (although hatless)
to walk into the hanger and
get right to work.

Good luck my darling!
I'm thinking about you today!
(And everyday...)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Bad Hair Day

Penny is moulting!
(Say it like the wicked witch... I'm Meeelting!)

I would say that qualifies...  LOL


back at the ranch,
we are counting down to Rod's new job.
He is excited.
I am excited.

Looking forward to him working regular hours.

He finally got his schedule yesterday.
He works 7:00 - 3:00 every Sunday (boo)
and 9:00 to 5:00 Mon - Thurs
with Friday and Saturday off.

That gives him one day a week to get stuff
done without me hanging around.
And gives us Saturday to do stuff TOGETHER.
(Unless I'm out of town...)

So, YEA!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Morning Aaaaaaahs

Rod didn't work last night.
They are short loads, so the drivers
are all taking turns staying home.

Last night was Rod's turn.

Which meant he got to spend the evening with us.

Jim and Sabrina came over after work.
All 5 of us went to our local Sams.
We haven't had a membership for YEARS.
Last night we got one for us and
one for Jim and Sabrina.

And then we bought FOOD.
Steak, chicken, burger, a HUGE bag
of peeled garlic cloves
(20 clove crock pot chicken anyone???)
And a new pillow for Kyle.

And then we went home
and I cooked up some of the steak.

It was yummy!

So anyhow, since Rod was home,
he told me I could sleep in and he
would do the "Old MacDonald's Farm" chores
this morning.

So, I started the day off, HAPPY.
Got up, dressed, headed to the kitchen
to make some yogurt/blueberries for my
"first breakfast" at 8:00.
Then mixed up the fixin's for "second breakfast"
at 11:00.  (Coming up in a couple...)
(Caramel Muffin in a Mug with more yogurt/blueberries
on top like frosting - YUM!)
And then I mixed up some "Better Than Campbells
Tomato Soup" in a jar for heating up at 2:00.

Then I headed out to work.

And Heavenly Father put a little icing on the morning.

Isn't that PRETTY?
(It was prettier a minute earlier, but I hadn't
gotten to the red light yet...)

Oh, and that was the ONLY red light I hit
the entire drive in to work.

Days like today make me Love Mornings.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Almond Milk

I have been buying almond milk at the store.
Silk unsweetened is $2.98 for a half gallon.
They just got Blue Diamond unsweetened in for $2.88 for a half gallon.

But last night I made my own.

In the morning I set up 1 cup of almonds (roasted, unsalted)
in 4 cups of water to soak.
(I split it between 2 jars)

Then after work (8+ hours)
I dumped it all in my Ninja blender.

Ground it all up nice.

Then poured it through my fine mesh strainer
into an 8 cup measuring cup.

Poured that into a gallon jug and topped
it off with water.

Almond milk!

I paid about $2.90 for my bag of almonds
at Aldi's - and only used half the bag.

So figure $1.50 for a gallon of almond milk
or $6.00 for a gallon of store-bought.

Not bad!

And the really cool thing?
See that little baggie up front?
That's my leftover almond meal.
Tomorrow it goes on a cookie sheet
in the oven at 200 degrees for 3 hours.
And then into the food processor to grind up fine.

I pay $9.98 for a bag of almond flour.
That right there?

I use almond milk in ... well ... everything.
And almond flour is my go-to flour
along with ground flax seeds
for muffins, breakfast casseroles, etc.

After I made my almond milk,
I whipped up a Cheeseburger Pie (using almond milk)
and a ham/swiss quiche.
(that one had half and half instead of almond)
(that's why I couldn't make the flour,
the oven was busy...)

So the guys have lots of good food in the fridge
for the weekend while I'm gone.

Feeling accomplished.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Today is October 1st.

An important date for all liverwurst lovers.

Come on...
Sing it with me...

That big hunk of liverwurst
has been there since October 1st
And today is the 23rd of May....

Only Rozann and Trisch will get that.
And since Trisch doesn't read my blog
That just leaves Rozann.

But I figured since it was stuck in MY head...
Gotta share the wealth.
Ya' know?

(You could go to YouTube and see if you
can find Allan Sherman "Delicatessen Store")
*But I'm at work, so that's not something I can
do for you...

Luckily with the stupid government shut-down
the post office is still operating.

Cuz look what they just brought me!

These little chicks are "Silkies".
Straight run.
Which means it will be a mystery
if they are boys or girls
until later.
When they either crow or drop an egg.

But in the meantime, they are ADORABLE!