Friday, October 24, 2014


It's "fall" here in Florida.
You can tell because the humidity is lower.
And the temps are a little cooler in the morning.

I love October in Florida.
It's still warm enough for me,
but with the drier air,
it just Feels good.


Last week Kyle and I were able to
spend some time out in Utah together.

And it's FALL there.

Holy Beautiful Colors, Batman!

The trees were all turning and the colors
were totally amazing!

Such brilliance and vibrancy!
We have a maple tree out in the woods.
About every third year or so
it gets a touch of frost or a wild hair or something
and it's leaves will turn red.
But it's nothing you can count on.
And if you miss it?
Oh well...


Such beauty!

I guess it's what carries you over for the months
and months
and months
and months
of freezing and cold and white and snow and ice
and frost and cold and ick.

It's ok.
I'll take Florida.
I can fly to Utah for some color.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

My Amazing Mom

I have been out of town for a couple of weeks.
And when I got home,
it was time to celebrate my Mom's birthday!

And now (better late than never)
it's time to honor her here.
(It's gotten to be sort of a tradition...)

This is my beautiful Mom.

I was thinking the other day about some of
my memories of my Mother.

My memory did a giant time skip and went back
to the EARLY days.

When we were in elementary school.

The teachers in Calgary went on strike,
right at the beginning of the school year.
So Mom kicked into gear,
set up a table in front of the fireplace in the basement,
set up her sewing machine,
invited a couple of girls from the neighborhood
(Moanna and Lani I think...)
and taught us to sew!

She has always been an amazing seamstress
and we were all taught how to sew and many of
us continue to make clothing today.
(I don't sew much now - but I DID sew lots of
clothes for my kids when they were small...
Such a blessing!)

It's a skill I'm grateful for.
And I especially appreciate her patience in teaching us.
I taught my Activity Day Girls how to sew a simple
straight seam (to make a t-shirt bag)
and BOY does that take patience!

That's a pretty typical story of my Mom.
She was always ready to jump in and help out.
No matter what the need might be,
she saw it, analyzed it, figured out a way to fix it,
and went into action.

She still does.

The greatest tribute will always be the giant
punch bowl full of cards and letters from all
the people she has helped in ways great and small
over the years.
When word got out she was battling cancer,
the letters and cards started pouring in.
Each with a personal note sharing a time she did
something to make their day / life brighter.

What a great example of selfless love and service.

She and her beautiful sister, Karen, are such great
examples to me and my beautiful sisters.
(although they are better at remembering to take pictures
than we are...  I was with two of my sisters last week.
None of us took a SINGLE picture of us together!)

(Yes, I know Mom - shame on us!!!!)
Guess we'll just have to get together again...
Oh the horrors!

Happy Belated Birthday to my Loving Mother!
I love you dearly Mom!!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Slick Rock

Kyle and I are in Utah this week. 
I didn't bring my laptop. 
On purpose. 

But I have my tablet, 
so I'm trying a blog post on here. 

We drove out on Tuesday. 
OK, he drove and I read to him. 
And then I let my Kindle read to us. 

We stopped just past "Hole in the Rock"
And Kyle tried his hand at climbing. 

He is the speck about 3/4 of the way
up the picture.
He said it was a little sketchy coming
down since he was wearing OLD Chucks.

We are having a great time visiting
with Nancy and Reid (who left today)
And Sondra and Greg who are graciously
letting us stay at their vacation home
in the mountains. 

More to come. 
Stay tuned!