Thursday, May 28, 2015

Epic... Fail?

I was SURE I wrote a post in January.
Guess not.


In January I order some vanilla beans.
Not just ANY vanilla beans.
Madagascar vanilla beans!
From a website called

It comes recommended from some
Facebook friends.

And when they arrived I went to Sams.

Being a non-drinker I went looking for
some vodka to soak my vanilla beans in.

As I approached the vodka aisle
(yes, there is a whole aisle!)
(who knew!)
I saw the price sticker.

You can buy a LOT of vanilla extract
for $36!

Move down the row.

Yup, that's mine.

"fast" forward to today.

Pretty, isn't it?

I ran out of my store bought vanilla.
So I broke out the 4 month old
homemade vanilla.

Good thing I tasted it before dumping
some into my morning smoothie.

It tastes about how you would think
using $9 vodka.
Lightly vanilla infused paint thinner.


Jim got a good laugh.

Guess I'll have to get some of the
more mid-range stuff and try again.

And a bottle of vanilla extract.

Science:  experimenting, pouring it in the toilet
and trying it again.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Monday we were planning to run up to 
Samsula to the feed mill to pick up
horse feed, etc.

But at church on Sunday, our friend Doug
asked if we would help him out.

So 5:00 am found Rod outside feeding
our animals and me inside making breakfast
for the "inside" animals.  
(Just Rod and I - he has to feed the dogs...)

And then by 6:30 we were pulling into
Doug's yard and heading to the back 40.
(Doug's place is where Kyle has worked
for the past several years.)
(Doug calls it "the farm that Kyle built")


Kyle, Gina and Doug had built a little pen
with a skinny chute and a loading
ramp that led into the horse trailer.

Gina bought two calves about 2 years ago.
Then she left to go to Nebraska on a mission.

While she was gone, they grew into nice looking beef!

So Monday was the day they were going to auction.

It was entertaining watching 4 "wanna be" cowboys
(cow people? cow persons?)
loading these two critters into the horse trailer.
Considering we have never loaded cattle
and the cattle have never been loaded,
we did pretty well!

Kyle had devised some pretty ingenious ways to
get them in the trailer and keep them there
until we could get the gate closed and
keep the humans from getting killed in the process.
And it worked!!!

We pulled in at 6:30,
hummed and hawed,
made a couple of runs to the barn
for additional supplies,
and then finally got down to it.
One false start.
And then IN they went!

And it was only 7:10!
Successful, I would say!

Next was the drive across the state
to a little town called Okeechobee.
I drove through there every week for
several months last year when I was
teaching in Ft. Myers.

I had no idea they had a cattle auction
on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Or I would have stopped!


We pulled up and this group of really
nice and helpful (and experienced)
cousins off-loaded them and gave us
a receipt.

It was 9:00.
Turns out the auction is at noon.

3 hours to kill in a little town.

We found an awesome little diner
called Ropers.
They serve a MEAN breakfast!
Doug had One Eyed Bull.
(some people call it Toad in a Hole)
(or a fried egg in the middle of a 
piece of toast)
(But One Eyed Bull sounds better.)

It was delicious!

And then it was off to the various feed stores,
western wear stores, etc. to buy Doug
a new hat, a new work shirt for Gina 
(she is majoring in Ag Bus. and minoring 
in Animal Husbandry)
and hang a bunch of fliers for the horse
she wants to sell.

And we stopped at the John Deere dealership.

If only!

(Yes, we have 2.5 acres.  But it's not too big.....
don't you agree???)

At 11:30 we headed across the street to the auction.


Who knew!

On the extreme right there are several rows
of really comfy theater seats for the buyers
and sellers to sit in.
The buyers get the first two rows.
The chair in the top right corner is for the guy
who runs the big black/brown gate where
the cows run in.
The tan chair at the top center of the photo
was another guy who seemed to just chase
errant cows back onto the center of the floor
with a long bamboo pole with streamers on the end.
(The floor is a weigh scale)
To the left of him are the two women who
keep track of all the transactions.

There's the lady in charge with a buyer
getting registered.
(or bringing her coffee.)
(hard to tell)
(they were all friends)

The leather chair to the left is the auctioneer.
Directly below him is the lighted sign
that tells the lot # and the weight of
the cow being sold.

The door opens, a cow runs in.
(I imagine there is someone on the other side
giving them some incentive...)

It wanders around a little while the
scale captures its weight and the two
guys prod it with their bamboo poles
so you get a look at both sides.

Then the gate on the other end opens
and it eventually figures it out and leaves.

Meanwhile the bidding is going on fast and furious.


Well, except for the auctioneer.
But the bidders are all wiggling their
fingers and shaking their heads.
The guy in front of us had fancy
hand signals for the price he wanted.


Our cows were far enough down the
list that we had a pretty good idea of
what was going on by the time they got in
the ring.

This was her handsome steer.
(And a couple of the buyers)
He weighed 1135 and fetched $1.12/lb.
(which was one of the higher bids!)
Mostly they were selling calves
at $2 - $4.50/lb.

She was pleased with his weight
and his sale price.

And her little black heifer.
Only 965 lbs and $1.01/lb.
But still a pretty good price.

And, of course, the happy (relieved) sellers!

All in all it was a successful venture.
And LOADS of fun!

One of these days we might have to
run back down with our trailer and
BUY one of those steers.
(I would have totally bought her's,
but wasn't ready yet...)

Some day!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Trucker #3

Kyle left yesterday.

He doesn't like to have his picture taken
so I had to hurry and sneak this
while he was setting up his GPS.

His truck was all loaded up
this time with FOOD!

He headed up north to Jacksonville
(actually a little town outside)
for three weeks for trucking school.

He didn't trust that there would be food there.
So he brought his own.
(Good thing - there's a small grocery store,
a Subway, and a Pizza Hut...)

This is where he will be living
for the next 3 weeks.
(standing in the door to his bathroom)
Nice digs!

Ta da!

He's excited.

I just got off the phone with him.
He was BORED last night and 
didn't sleep real well.
There is a traffic light right outside
him room - I guess people really
peel out in the middle of the night.

I'm sure he'll sleep better tonight.

He's doing really well in school though!
So far they are doing
"straight line backing"
which is just what it sounds like.
The instructor was really complimentary.

Another trucker in the family!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Small Town Living

I love living in my small town.
It has that rural feeling.

I just got this email from our Town Administrator.

A resident in the area of Atz Road and Candy Lane 
has found two very young piglets.  
If you have lost yours please call Town Hall and 
we will put you in touch with the resident. 

Have a great day!

Bonilyn W
Town Administrator

That TOTALLY cracked me up!

In other news, I'm heading out of town
tonight - going to the "other coast"
to do a teacher evaluation in Tampa.

I love doing that.
It means I get to just LISTEN!
(And shamelessly steal any awesome
ideas he might have...)

I'll be there all day Saturday
and then just for the first hour or so
on Sunday morning.
Then a pretty drive back across
the state and maybe home in time
to go to church.

It's Mother's Day.
We don't really "celebrate" it.
My family treats me like a Queen
every single day.

But if you do...

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Shawshank Redemption

Shawshank Redemption.
I love that movie.

I always have.

We have it on dvd and I sometimes
take it with me out of town so I can
watch it on my laptop.


They FOUND the guy!!!!

Guess where?


Good for the cold case folks for finally 
figuring it out.

And kind of a bummer he got caught.
Not really.
But you know what I mean...

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Ground Chicken

I FINALLY finished ... uh...
cleaning out?
our chicken flock.

too many chickens.

And now we still have lots.
But better.

There will be less in August,
but for now,
we're good.

So I did "that" part over the weekend.

And then after letting the breast meat 
rest for a couple of days in the fridge
last night we broke out the new
meat grinder!

I'm the worst picture taker in the world.

We had the light over the stove turned on
so we could see what we were doing.
But it didn't make for great picture taking.

you get the idea.

These were scrawny little 2 year+ old layers.
Not much meat on them.

But from 30 chickens we got a total of
7 pounds of ground breast meat!

We cooked up one pound.
(which leaves 6 in the freezer!)

With lots of seasoning,
it made a really yummy taco salad.

(Our nod to Cinco de Mayo)
Or whatever you call that.
You know,
National Mexican Food Day.

It was YUMMY!

I made another big taco salad in 
a quart mason jar to take for lunch today.

And then I remembered I'm meeting some
friends for lunch at a new Greek restaurant.


Just means I'm all organized for tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Oh my goodness,
has it REALLY been 5
(ahem 7) years????


(That's a little how my conversation
with my doctor went a few weeks ago.)

And ended with me actually making
an appointment.

Well, honesty wins out.
I DIDN'T make an appointment.
His nurse did it for me.
And then called and said
"Be here on this date."

I love my doctor.
He is not actually a doctor.
He is a nurse practitioner.
But he's awesome.
And I love him.

He's also an avid reader.

So several years ago,
I sat in his exam room waiting for him to arrive.
I was happily reading on my Kindle.

He walked in and we spent the first 10+ minutes
of the appointment comparing what we are/have/wish
we were reading on our various E-readers.

Low and behold, like that very afternoon
he sent me a HUGE dropbox file full of
books to put on my Kindle!

And then...

Fast forward a year or so later
when I saw him again.
(I have to see him every 6 months for
my thyroid - stupid insurance company,
who I just happen to work for...)

He made me go get a mammogram.
And then he sent me a few more books.

And then....

Fast forward to earlier this year.
I went in for my stupid thyroid appointment.
And he was amazed I'm still using the same
Kindle (which I LOVE, by the way, and
am now actively looking to find the exact same
version for Kyle since the new ones don't do
"text to speech" with a headphone jack.  We
both like to LISTEN to our books, I listen
while posting $, he likes to listen while he drives)
(which he will be doing lots more of soon...)


After agreeing to another stupid mammogram 
(I know, I know, but I prefer thermography)
he immediately sent me more books!

And then I had a bone density test...
BOOKS show up in my email inbox!

Then I did the pre-consult for a colonoscopy


Yesterday I did the deed.
And it was AWFUL!
(Ok, the test was no biggie,
in fact it was the best nap I've had in
a LONG time, I nearly asked the doc
if he would put me back under and just
leave me alone for another hour or so... lol)

There had BETTER be a bunch of 
REALLY GOOD books in my
inbox in the next day or two.


PS - all is well.
I have the "most beautiful colon he has ever seen".

Ok, that's not actually what he said,
but I was still kind of drugged
and it's my blog
so I can tell it how I want to.

But all IS well...

AND I'm off the hook for
drum roll


They'd better have a better plan for prep
by the time I'm 65 dang years old
or there aren't enough books in the world
to make me do that again.


Friday, May 1, 2015

May Day

I remember doing a May Pole.
I might have been 6.

Or so.

Oh the innocence of youth.

Rod is still home "sick".
(He's on antibiotics, but he just
can't "just sit here".)
He borrowed the neighbor's fancy
lawnmower and mowed the entire property.

He will be back at work tomorrow.
(They told him to go home and 
not come back until Saturday.)

In an hour we'll be heading to the woods
at the end of the street to meet the rest of
my Trails and Greenways committee to put
down some used carpet to preserve a new
section of trail.

A group of 10 students from the 
University of South Carolina came down
for "Alternate Spring Break".
They wanted to come to Florida for spring break,
but weren't interested in the usual 
nonsense going on in Daytona Beach,
so they offered their services to our
Environmentally Endangered Lands folks
and they guided them through creating a new trail.

They were great kids.
They worked really hard!
I'm looking forward to seeing the new trail!
(I've been too busy to head into the woods lately)

I don't have to teach for THREE 
count 'em THREE weekends!

Looking forward to the break.