I (obviously) got BUSY!
What's new...
I was supposed to teach in Rockledge this past
weekend - but only had 3 students
registered for class.
Which means it wasn't looking good.
But I had to return all the manuals, etc
I had snagged from my cabinet.
Wasn't sure I would have keys for the
Ft. Myers site so thought I would be
proactive and bring curriculum with me.
Good thing I did!
They only had 18 books and I ended
up with 20 students!
So anyway, I needed to return my stuff.
Might as well let the company pay for the trip.
Arrived at school just after 7:30
and there were 2 students in the parking lot!
(I need 5 to run the school)
They were unhappy that school was cancelled.
They were especially unhappy that they hadn't
been notified.
However, they weren't registered for the class.
So how, exactly, do you want me to notify you???
Anyhow, I spent an hour with them finding them
a class in Orlando and also getting them set up
on the online course.
And then I did all my inventory, etc.
Just as I was finishing, Rod arrived!
He had my truck (I had his little car)
and we headed north to Samsula to the
feed mill to get some fresh feed for the
various animals on our farm.
1750 pounds of feed to be exact!
On the way back, we stopped in Rockledge
again to see Pops. He was having a rough
day - a little agitated and uncomfortable.
Tim and Angie were just finishing up with the CNA
and they had to leave, so Rod decided he would
spend the afternoon there helping his Dad feel
more comfortable.
Back to the school to switch vehicles and then
I headed on home.
Kyle was working on a trailer in the back yard.
Welding up some shelves etc for some
accessories the owner wants to keep on there.
He was happy to take a break.
So we dispatched (ok, HE dispatched)
and I skinned, cleaned and processed
5 rabbits to put in the freezer.
(We have 13 more to do...)
And then it was off to Walmart to get some
groceries for the week.
When Rod got home he ordered a pizza.
(I wasn't up for cooking any sort of meat... lol)
It was a good, productive day.
My hands are still a little sore.
We did one more rabbit Sunday morning.
But my hands were just too sore.
It rained last night after work.
I left to get fuel and pick up some stuff I forgot
and while I was gone the weather cleared up
and Rod got a bunch of downed trees cleared off
the property and out to the street
while Kyle mowed everything.
No rabbits got done.
There's always tonight.
(I'm teaching in Ft. Myers again this weekend
and next, and we have GOT to get the baby chicks
out of my neighbor's barn! They start in the rabbit
grow-out cage and then move to a coop, so
I need to get this finished!)
It's raining outside right now.
Darn it!