It's been a busy week
and it's only Tuesday!
it was a busy day yesterday.
After a full day at the office I needed to
attend a Town Council meeting at Town Hall.
My monthly committee meeting starts at 6:00.
I thought their meetings started at 7:00.
I was wrong.
They don't get started until 7:30.
Which was ok.
Gave me an opportunity to chat with the
town treasurer. We've been used to walk
in the woods together.
But then we both got super busy.
And I got to chat with our new Town Administrator.
I'm REALLY impressed with him!
My committee started working on getting an
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) restroom
at our trail head FIVE years ago.
(Well, actually six and a half...)
It took five years to win a grant for the $.
We FINALLY did everything right and won the grant.
Then we started getting the silly thing built.
(And it's actually delivered completely built - basically
a plug-and-play thing...)
But we had to do all the site prep.
It has been a year and a half.
We are STILL at the "on paper" stage.
(We are just a committee - no power to make decisions
or spend any money... we can only make recommendations)
The new Town Administrator was hired
the first of November.
He spent the first couple of weeks learning
about our little rural town.
Then he got down to business.
We had a three hour on-site meeting with all the
subs and committees and Pizza Hut. (lol)
Then he took that information back to his office.
Yesterday he handed me a spread sheet with
a complete job timeline.
Starting today there is SOMETHING scheduled
every week.
The building is being delivered the first week
in March with final inspection the first week in April.
Somebody with a construction / management background
who knows how to communicate with the trades
and isn't afraid to stand his ground and get things done.
Last night's meeting went until 11:00.
*And I thought OUR meetings were long!
But I learned a LOT about our little town,
the people who are running it (we have a 50% new
town council and a new-ish fire chief) and a
Mayor who was the Mayor 30 years ago!
(and has been mayor 4 or 5 times in the middle)
And a bunch of "good ol' boys" whose response is
typically "that's the way we do it here".
That's the way we used to do it here.
And if it still works, we'll keep doing it that way.
But if it doesn't work or if it's not necessary
for the good of the town,
that's gone.
I'm not a big government person.
I'm a Canadian Libertarian.
(Is there any such thing?)
But I believe in using your resources responsibly.
I don't care that we've always done it this way
because it's your brother in law and he
needs the business.
If he isn't getting the job done (see above)
then find somebody who can.
I also chatted with our new Fire Chief.
He's running a "combo" department.
3 part time paid lieutenants and the rest
are volunteers.
When he was hired, he did an inventory and found
no bunker gear (the clothes fire fighters wear) newer
than 15 years!
And we are sending people into fires in that!
He immediately started filing for grants and
pounding the pavement for every dime he could find
and our entire department has decent equipment.
Not the latest and greatest
but SAFE.
His ENTIRE volunteer department showed up last night.
Every one of them wearing a "uniform" and a SERIOUS
case of PRIDE in their department.
As a previous volunteer fireman, I was so impressed by them!
(Chief said that for the first time EVER, we have a WAITING LIST
for people who want to be volunteers! That means unpaid, AND you
have to have a Fire II training / rating which means weeks and weeks
of Monday night meetings before you even qualify to work for free!)
Our town has always been awesome.
But I see GREAT things on the horizon!