It must be critter week.
Similar to shark week.
But not.
Monday when I got home from work
Rod was walking out to the back 40
with tools in tow.
Never a good sign.
Sure enough - Andy (my horse)
decided that, once again,
the grass is greener on the other side.
(Last time he jumped the southern fence
and tore a muscle in his butt - about the
same time I tripped and fell in the woods
and dislocated my shoulder...
Long story short, I didn't notice he was
hurt because I was so busy pretending
I wasn't....)
So this time he didn't decide to JUMP
the northern fence.
He just decided to step over / through it.
The top rail came down a couple
of weeks ago.
One of those "we'll fix that this weekend"
and then the weekend is gone, things.
There are, sadly, no pictures.
We have a wire fence.
It's big squares about 4" x 4" maybe.
(I have no idea)
He put his left hind foot through one hole
and his left front foot through the other.
And then realized he was stuck and
sort of just stood there.
Thank goodness for all the years of
Parelli training that taught him stuff
around his legs is no reason to panic.
Eventually Rod got home.
Discovered him.
Rescued him.
And then we fixed the fence.
Meanwhile, Sir Loin suddenly went
dashing across the pasture in full bore
chase mode.
Chasing a BOBCAT who had one of
my chickens!
The cat got away, but just barely.
Sir stood by the fence and glared it down
for a long time until I walked over
and it vanished into the woods.
Sir got extra grain that night.
What a good steer!
(The dogs were locked in the garage
until we could fix the fence...)
Wonder what today will bring...