Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Solidarity 2

Follow up for yesterday's post.

A friend of our's and old customer
from our shop posted this to Facebook today.

THIS is it.


(Perfect timing Keith!)

Monday, February 22, 2016


Bikers have this solidarity thing going on.

When they pass each other on the road
they drop their left hand down to the side
like back in the day when you were
signalling that you were slowing down.
(Did people actually do that?  LOL)


This morning I was following a biker.
It was about 57 degrees outside.
But not warm either.
He was bundled up so I'm sure he was
doing just fine, enjoying the lovely morning.

Another biker was approaching from
the other direction.  They each
moved over a little towards the
center of the road and
dropped their hands in 
the accepted "salute".

It almost looked like their hands
were going to touch.

He was bundled up too.

The feeling it conveyed was 
"I feel ya brother.
Be safe out there."

Sometimes it means
"Dude - isn't this awesome!?!"
And sometimes it's just

Kyle always "saluted" when he was
riding his scooter.

It was a crap shoot whether other bikers
would acknowledge him.
But I always mentally high fived the ones who
were cool enough to.
(And generally tossed 'em a thumbs up)

They wear black leather.
And sometimes tattoos.

But most of 'em are pretty cool folks.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Popular Cow

I was wandering around on Facebook the other day.
And noticed something odd.

I guess this is a super popular cow!
She gets to tell you about grass-fed butter
from Healthy.Holistic.Living.com

And she also gets to tell you about how
Bison is always raised without
antibiotics from my friends at
Buffalo Horn Ranch in Calgary.
(Makes sense - can you imagine giving
a buffalo an injection???  LOL)
I know - it's usually in their feed...
but buffalo don't eat "feed".
In fact, when you put out hay for them,
they wander over, take a bite or two
and then head back to the
pasture and dig through the snow
to find grass.


Anyhow - that is neither here nor there.

Back to the cow...
Cracked me up that they were back to back.
Hope she's getting royalties!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Critters 2

It must be critter week.
Similar to shark week.
But not.

Monday when I got home from work
Rod was walking out to the back 40
with tools in tow.

Never a good sign.

Sure enough - Andy (my horse)
decided that, once again,
the grass is greener on the other side.

(Last time he jumped the southern fence
and tore a muscle in his butt - about the
same time I tripped and fell in the woods
and dislocated my shoulder...
Long story short, I didn't notice he was 
hurt because I was so busy pretending
I wasn't....)

So this time he didn't decide to JUMP
the northern fence.
He just decided to step over / through it.

The top rail came down a couple
of weeks ago.  
One of those "we'll fix that this weekend"
and then the weekend is gone, things.

There are, sadly, no pictures.
We have a wire fence.
It's big squares about 4" x 4" maybe.
(I have no idea)

He put his left hind foot through one hole
and his left front foot through the other.
And then realized he was stuck and
sort of just stood there.
Thank goodness for all the years of
Parelli training that taught him stuff 
around his legs is no reason to panic.

Eventually Rod got home.
Discovered him.
Rescued him.
And then we fixed the fence.

Meanwhile, Sir Loin suddenly went
dashing across the pasture in full bore
chase mode.  

Chasing a BOBCAT who had one of
my chickens!


The cat got away, but just barely.
Sir stood by the fence and glared it down
for a long time until I walked over
and it vanished into the woods.

Sir got extra grain that night.
What a good steer!
(The dogs were locked in the garage
until we could fix the fence...)

Wonder what today will bring...

Monday, February 15, 2016


Seems like I've been doing a lot of driving lately.
Back and forth to work.
Back and forth to school.
Back and forth to the store.

Just seems like I've driving a lot.

So it shouldn't come as too big of a surprise
that I was driving last night.

Coming home from school.

It was late.
On the final weekend I give an
"end of class exam" that doesn't
even START until 7 p.m.

So it was after 9:00.
And dark.
And the highway wasn't TOO busy.

Driving along in the right lane
my headlights caught something on
side of the road.

A bobcat!
A BIG bobcat!
Just standing there.
Watching the vehicles go by.

I only got a glimpse.
But it was a FIRST!

The night before that, when I got home
from school, Rod and Kyle were 
not there.
And the chickens needed to be closed up.

So I wandered out in the dark.
And I SWEAR there was a coyote 
in the woods next to our place!

(I didn't see it, but boy could I hear it!)
Sounded like he was pretty close!

This morning as I was (again)
driving to work - I noticed a large
bird of prey (I wasn't very awake and my
bird of prey identification skills are 
shaky at best...)

It had just completed a dive into the river
and successfully captured a fish for it's breakfast.

Said fish was clutched securely in it's
right talon.

It flew up and landed on the top of a 
street light to eat the fish.

And was finding it challenging to balance
on one foot while holding his fish in the other.
And I realized that must be a daily issue
for birds who catch prey instead of just
scooping up bugs on the fly
(as it were).

There is absolutely no point to this post.
No message.
No lesson.

Just random critter "sightings".
And a peak into my life.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Baby It's Cold Outside

The Florida girl is whining about the cold.

It was COLD this morning.
With the wind chill it was 38.

I don't care where you live.
That's cold.

But especially in the land of
"I only HAVE shorts"

(And he works outside)

Last night for dinner I made a big pot
of really yummy
Chicken Jalapeno Popper Soup
from the Trim Healthy Mama cookbook.
I shared it with the two new
Sister Missionaries in our ward.
One of them is gluten intolerant.

We had a good conversation about
some quick and easy recipes she could make.

And I sent them home with a
big ol' cottage cheese tub full of
left over soup.

Just had a little serving of it for my 
mid-morning snack.
(yup, it's noon.)
(I'm late.)

Hope you are staying warm.
Wherever you are.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Curds and Whey

Someone today was asking me for a recipe for Poutine.
I gather all Canadians eat it.

I never did.

Although I consider fries and gravy
to be fine dining.
(Especially KFC gravy over McD fries.)
(Tastes best while sitting in the park,
skipping 2nd period English)
(I know...)

Of course, the fries and gravy served
in the Wisewood cafeteria right after
seminary were pretty amazing too!


That got me thinking about eating curds.

Which reminded me of a memory
from waaaaaaaay back.
(yup, even further than high school!)

I'm pretty sure it was the year I was in grade 2.
Or maybe a little later...
Marlys was our piano teacher.
Anyhow, we were at their farm.
While there we took a trip over to Glenwood
to the cheese factory.

I remember being fascinated watching them
make the curds and whey in these giant
square, shallow metal vats.
All that milk just sitting there heating up.
And somebody running a rake thing through 
it constantly breaking up the curds.

And then going into the cold room
and seeing all the giant wheels of cheese.

Glenwood cheese.
The best cheddar!

To finish up the trip we all got a bowl
of "curds and whey".

I don't remember what it tasted like.
All I remember is being nervous.

I couldn't really enjoy the treat.
I was on the look out for the spider.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


They say the eyes are the window to the soul.

I've always been fascinated by eyes.

When I first started teaching my biggest challenge
was that my students were following along in their books.
They were marking.
Writing notes.

NOT looking at me!

After years and years and years of speaking
in public (church) and connecting with
my "audience" through their eyes
I found it really HARD to teach
to the tops of their heads!

I didn't know where to look!

I digress.

I love seeing people's eyes.
I can tell (usually) by looking at your eyes
if you understand what I'm saying
or if you are just waiting for me to 
stop speaking so you can do whatever
you were going to do anyway.

Check out THESE eyes.

He has the most gentle, kind, compassionate, loving eyes
I have ever seen.

I suspect he is looking at Mom.
And there are practically little cartoon hearts
shooting out of those eyes.

THAT is eternal love.

I love those eyes.
(And the man attached to them.)

PS - for my gazillion non-family followers 
(Hi Katie!)
it's thought Dad had a mild stroke but 
he feels pretty good this morning.
Hoping for further good news
as the day goes by.