This weekend I am NOT TEACHING!
It's awesome.
On our list of important things to do
was a run up the highway to our
little feed supplier.
They have a bunch of silos
full of the grains they grind and
mix fresh for us.
We have always wondered how they fill them with grain.
And today we got lucky enough to find out!
This trailer is full of soy bean meal.
See it pouring out of the little hole in the back.
Making a little pile.
And the pipe to the left?
That is a little vacuum!
It sucks the meal up through the pipe and
then through the next pipe
and over to the silo.
It is quite the system!
(And a LOT of weight to be resting on those
rear tires... they are a little squished...)
Naturally Rod found the truck driver
and had a good visit with him.
He said normally it doesn't take too long
to off load all that meal,
but because of the old and unique
system they have here,
it takes several hours.
He still needed to run over to Plant City
to pick up and load and then was
heading back up to Georgia.
It was pretty fascinating!