Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Excitement Continues

Had a nice, quiet evening last night
after working til 6.
Rod was out helping a new family
move into the ward.
I fed the animals and sat in the shade
of the barn and read my book.


When he got home I cooked us up some
steaks and steamed veggies,
we ate and were in bed ASLEEP
by shortly after 10!

This morning my alarm went off at 6.
And then it was 6:38.

How did THAT happen???  LOL

Made breakfast
(scrambled eggs with sauted zucchini
and a slice of nice thick bacon
and a "thin mint" choc/peppermint smoothie)
and then headed out to leave for work.
(I made our turkey on sprouted 7 grain
bread last night - just tossed some cottage
cheese and frozen mixed fruit in tubs
for our mid-morning snacks...)


Out to the truck.
Turn the key.

Flashing lights.
Tick tick tick

That's it.

Dead batteries.
Yes, I said batteries.
My big ol' diesel truck has TWO
giant batteries and they are


But the Lord continues to bless us.

1.  I am in MY yard, not West Palm Beach.
2.  We have a spare vehicle.  I grabbed my stuff
and moved to Rod's little Honda.  He will
drive the Trooper today.  (No A/C.  The
sacrifices that man makes for me!!!!)
3.  I'm married to a talented mechanic who can 
take the batteries out tonight before he heads
down to Vero Beach for his High Council meeting
and then he can go get/install new ones tomorrow.

And on top of all that,
I was only 5 minutes late to work!


I got a text from Kyle.
This is where he ate lunch yesterday.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


There are a LOT of blogs that I find myself
starting to title 

Its like nothing happens in my life
and then suddenly the flood gates open
(generally on the weekend)
and then I finally get to pull back
and check in and all I want to say is


This past weekend was one of those.

Friday after work I headed home.
The dogs were in the garage and the
horses were loose in the back yard.

I let the dogs out
(and finally remembered to close the door.
Buddy LOVES the dog food... darn horse)

Then I headed to the barn to get my bucket
so I could gather my eggs.
There is one chicken who lays an egg in a
feed bin inside the barn, so I grabbed that one first.

As I was coming out of the barn and trying
to hold my bucket, close and chain the new
gate closed...

OH!  New gates!!!

NICE, eh?  Rod put those up by himself
while I was out of town.

AND he put in a new porch light!


Back to my story.

So I'm trying to close the gate
while holding my bucket
that has an egg in it
and Andy (my horse) comes over to 
see if there is anything good IN the bucket.
(And likely to bust my egg that is rolling
around loose in there...)

So I turned around and smacked him on the 
cheek with the side of my fist.

And broke something in my hand.

I would show you a picture.
But it would be anti-climactic.
I have a lovely bruise that runs from the base of
my pinky finger all the way to my wrist bone.
But it's the same color as my tan.
My palm is also bruised.
And it is swollen.
But it doesn't photograph well.

So trust me.
If only I had HURT-A-VISION.

(And I must have bumped it 2000 times
in class over the weekend!  In fact I just NOW
hit my desk with it.  OUCH!!!!)


I gathered the eggs.
Headed to the house.
Amazon had delivered a bunch of stuff.
Which was AWESOME
because my canisters on my counter were

So, I was filling them.
And Bandit was playing on the floor beside me.
And I WATCHED her swallow the
stupid push pin.

The vet returned it to us.
(I'm considering having it gold plated.)

Kinda looks lethal!

Look how innocent she looks!

She is now "pinless" but also missing her
"lady bits"
As long as they had her under the knife
we decided to do a "two-fer".

She and Shadow have to be kept separate
*unless we are there to supervise
since they are CRAZY when they are together.

Yesterday Shadow had to stay in her crate all day.
Poor girl!  None of this is HER fault!
(She was hiding on the couch!  Bandit can't 
consistently get up there yet...)

So today Shadow is out in the dog yard with Bison.
Bandit is in the garage (dog room) by herself.
And was crying her head off when I left.
(She's never been alone before...)

There is a radio playing out there.
She'll survive.
And the good thing about living in the country...
no (limited) neighbors to be annoyed by her noise.
(And the only neighbors close enough to maybe hear
are inside with their windows closed and the A/C blasting.
He just had surgery, so no hanging outside for him either...)


I worked until 9:30 Sunday night and then headed
home, arriving in town around 11:30.
And then had to work 10 hours yesterday
(and every day this week until Thursday)
since my employer decided to close Friday
and offered us the opportunity to work instead of
use our personal time.


Friday, June 24, 2016

Random Foodish Things

This is not a food blog.
This is just my blog.
I post stuff I'm thinking about today.

And today I'm thinking about food.

Yesterday I noticed my lunch was
actually really pretty!

I love my little black lunch containers.

I bought them on Amazon,
they come 10 to a pack,
they are microwaveable,
dish washerable
(but we don't use our's anymore...)
and seal really well.

Black just makes bright green
broccoli look so much brighter.
(there's a little tub of ranch dressing
that I could have just put in the extra hole
but I didn't want to heat it.)
It was delicious!
(those are Hillshire Farms Jalapeno Cheddar
Sausage links.  Pan fried for dinner the
night before.)

They are handy.
So I thought I'd share.

PS - the orange and blue cloths in the back
are actually little kid size 6 tank tops
that I sewed the bottom on and use
as my lunch and box bags.

And since the Florida Gators colors are
blue and orange, I get lots of comments.

Sadly, the ONLY things I know about the
Florida Gators are their colors.
And they play college football.
And they have rabid fans.
And I'm not one of them.

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Kyle has been in Utah for a couple of weeks now.
Mostly he is enjoying living in the mountains.

And doing LOTS of hiking.

He got to finally see some SNOW!

He said it was pretty challenging to walk
up that trail - had to dig toe holds.

Of course he was wearing his trusty Chucks!

Tuesday he tried out a new spot.

Isn't this beautiful?

He is trying to talk Jim into coming out
to go camping with him here.

So gorgeous!!!

The whole Logan area is really lovely
and he seems to be happy there.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Frozie Rozie

Today is my darling little sister's birthday!

She calls herself Frozie Rozie.
These are her friends.

We Canadians just can't seem to get / stay warm.
Which might be why we all moved SOUTH.

She is super athletic and loves challenges that
involve other people.

Relay races
Group hikes
Giant bike races

Like that.

I got to spend a week with her a couple
of months ago.
It was wonderful!

We were roomies when we were little.
Shared a room.
And a double bed.

She was athletic back then too.

She used to wake me up in the middle of the night.
Talking in her sleep.
Maybe talking isn't the right word.

She was "calling" a baseball game.
Naturally she was the one scoring the winning run!

It happened more than once.

She was also the only girl on an all boy hockey team!
And she used to take her little Suzuki Samari up into
the mountain with her mountain bike and camp
and ride the trails.
By herself.

She is strong.
She is confident.
She is loyal.
She is an amazing Mom to 3 wonderful
and successful kids.
(and one son-in-law)
She is a terrific sister.

And she is LOVED!

Thursday, June 16, 2016


The weather has been 
here in Florida.

It's kind of wiping us all out.

Buddies already.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

God Bless Orlando

Good Gravy!
The hits just keep coming!

Friday night a nut job shot an up and coming
new singer after her show during a
"meet and greet" with her fans.
Then he shot himself.

Sunday morning a nut job shot 49 innocent
people in another night club 
and then he shot himself.

And this morning I woke to the news that
a 2 year old boy was taken by an
alligator in one of the lakes
on the Disney property!

I'm not sure how many more hits
the City Beautiful can take!

There have been so many good stories
coming from these tragedies.
Money donated
Blood donated
Food donated to those
donating blood
Survivors telling of heroes who rescued
them and helped them to safety.

Alligators (and sharks) don't typically 
eat humans.
(Word is they don't taste good)

I have lived here for 35 years.
In CLOSE proximity to gators.
(The neighbor gator is named Burt.)
(We "converse" - he from his pond,
me from my side of the fence...)

I have never heard of a gator taking a child.
It's super rare.
They take small dogs and cats.
I sometimes worry for my stupid chickens.

There are gators in every fresh body of water.
With all the rain we have had lately
(Tropical Storm Colin and just lots of
really strong thunder storms in the past few weeks)
they are really active. 
Moving from pond to pond.

Florida Fish and Wildlife captures and relocates
any / all gators that appear to be a nuisance 
on the Disney property.

Since last night they have caught and killed
4 gators in the lake.
Looking for the child.

My heart breaks for all the families of these tragedies.
One good thing about living in the "bible belt".
People aren't afraid to mention God and
to pray in public.
Many who haven't spoken to their Father in years
are turning to Him now.

We could use YOUR prayers.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


I was a zombie yesterday.

Let me back track.

Thursday morning (which happened to be Kyle's 25th!)
(I didn't do a post, since he doesn't read my blog...)

I drove to Orlando to attend a two day
instructor training session.

We learned a TON.
And I didn't have to teach.
But I received lots of flattering comments
from others who DID teach.

And it looks like they might tag me to do a series
of instructor webinars for new instructors.
That might be fun!


We were in session from 10:30 until about 4, then 
headed upstairs to our rooms to rest
and meet in the lobby for an awesome dinner
up the street at Bonefish Grill.
I love these sessions - we all eat and chat,
about lots of things, but primarily we pick
each other's brains.  I came away with a 
bunch of really good ideas for new games
and ways to refresh my classroom!

Then back into the classroom again on Friday
for a rehash of all the admin stuff that
instructors are getting lax on.
(That's one of my other jobs - travel to
other instructor's sites and "mentor" them
on things they might have forgotten or never learned)

We left Orlando around 1:30 Friday afternoon
and when I got to the house, I sat on the couch
for a minute and 2 hours later I woke up.

Repacked my suitcase and headed south
to Ft. Lauderdale to teach the 2nd weekend
of my current class.

I am training a new instructor, so I had him teach
for the first hour, but it drives me nuts to see
someone reading from the book, so I took
over again after the first break.
He's going to be a good instructor - he is a retired
police officer, so his people skills are awesome.
But he hasn't spent the time necessary to 
get familiar with the material.
And I'm not going to let my students suffer.


Red Lobster for dinner.
(where they lost my ticket so didn't seat me
for nearly an hour - I didn't notice cuz I was
texting Kyle and reading my Kindle...)
And back to school at 7:30 Sunday morning.

We give the final exam 12 hours later at 7 pm!!!
And there is always at least one student
who insists on taking the entire 2 hours.
So at 9:00 pm we were just grading the final paper.
And then there is still the wrap-up
(entering hours / grades etc into the computer,
tidying the room, packing up the books, etc that
we need to take to the next site... that sort of thing)
so I didn't get out of the room until nearly 9:45.

Hit a McDonald's drive thru for a salad
which I ate in my bed in my hotel room.
And OUT like the light by 10:15.

Alarm went off at 4:45
Left by 5
Drove to my office, arriving RIGHT at 7:30!

Cleaned up the mess left in my office 
from not being here on Thursday and Friday
left at 4:30
home to gather eggs, feed the chickens and rabbits
(Rod did the horses and cows)
and then over to our little town hall for a
Trails and Greenways Committee meeting
from 6 - 8:30.

Fried up some yummy jalapeno / cheddar cheese
sausage and some steamed broccoli and in BED
by 10.

Today...  I'm actually doing much better than yesterday.
I'm not even threatening to curl up under my desk
for a nap!

Tomorrow I'll let you know how Kyle is doing.
(Spoiler alert - GREAT)

Monday, June 6, 2016

Kyle / Colin Updates

Kyle has landed.


He is happily ensconced in his new 
little apartment.

We start with his large
roller tool chest with personalized wood top.
It is currently home to a bottle of
Gatorade, but will soon
hold a new flat screen smart TV.
(Happy Birthday Kyle!)

His bed comes next on the far left wall,
the end table he made is between
his bed and his chair.
The gorgeous golden (but amazingly comfy) chair
is from his Grandma Buffaloe's collection
(the other one is in our bedroom)
and the foot stool is another awesome
piece of furniture Kyle made.
The "lid" opens and he keeps
all kinds of goodies in there...

Continuing around the edge,
we have his closet.
It appears to be leaking.
He has since rearranged and it
is much better, but that big red
tool box still makes it impossible
to close the door.
But everything else has a place
and is accessible.

Then we have the "kitchen"
complete with a sink,
two burner stove
and mini fridge.
Sadly the cabinet under the sink
is home to a bunch of poorly installed
pipes etc, so there's no room for
anything but possibly a bottle
of dish detergent.

Of course there is a trash can.
And the door to his fab pink bath!

Then his dresser with a stylish
fan on the top
strategically placed to catch the cross
breeze from his windows.

And there you have it!

Welcome home Kyle!


Speaking of welcomes.
"Welcome" Tropical Storm Colin.

Looks like we will miss the main thrust
but being on the south edge 
they are forecasting 2 - 5" of rain
today with gusts about 50+ mph.

A good day to keep the dogs inside
and work in an office.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Kyle's Address etc

Kyle woke up this morning in Nebraska.
He hopes to go to sleep tonight
in his new digs in Logan!

For those who are wondering:

Kyle Buffaloe
55 E 500 North #8
Logan, UT 84321

Looks like he has about 11 hours of
driving ahead of him today.

So he won't get there until evening.
But that's ok.
It's easier to unload a trailer when
it's cooler out.

That's our theory anyway.

Illinois - kind of FLAT!

He is following the pioneer trail.
Council Bluffs, the Platt River,

He re-read the Work and the Glory
series before this trip to remind
himself of all the places he was
going to be driving through.

Next photos should be of his new place!
(But I'm going to be out of town again
this weekend, so who knows if I will get
a chance to update my blog...)

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Trip Report

Kyle Skyped me yesterday when he
pulled over for a little "walk about" break.

Scared the living daylights out of me!
I had just gotten back into the truck
(was at the feed store getting hay)
and my phone started making this

(We just added Skype... I usually
used my tablet)

We had a nice little chat.
He was in Georgia.

We checked in several times during
the evening - he was enjoying the drive
and then there was a brief rain shower
that cooled everything off.

I was pleased that he called around 10:30
from a truck stop in Tennessee
and was stopping for the night.

He stayed there all night and left
again this morning around 6.

SO glad he is taking it easy and
enjoying this trip.
Who knows when / if he will ever
get through this part of the
country again.

A man and his rig.
(And his Mom and his dog)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Adventure Has Begun

The adventure has begun!

Although that's MY truck on Sunday,
it is basically what he looks like right now.

Just driving to Utah...

I'm so excited for him!

(And have been bawling like a baby all day...)
We are going to MISS him!