Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Great Ranch Trip

With no pictures.

I picked up Linda at her house
Monday at 2:ish.
Her daughter and family had arrived
an hour or so ago, so they got to visit
for a bit before she left.

We had a lovely drive up to the ranch.
I took the "scenic" route.
I didn't want to drive through Orlando
AND Ocala during rush hours.
It was a beautiful day and we had a
wonderful visit. (It's a 4 hour drive.)

We stopped in Ocala at Rural King
and I bought $100 worth of feed.
50# chicken feed
200# sweet feed (cows & horses)
80# beet pulp pellets
80# alfalfa pellets
A lovely young man loaded it all
into my trunk (with one bag in the
back seat...)

Then Linda suggested we drive to Gainesville
and have dinner a Chuy's.
I've never eaten there before...
there are a couple in Tucson!
But the closest one here is in Orlando.

We had the Monday special.
As usual, we ended up each ordering exactly
the same thing. We always do that!
Stuffed avocado with Ranchero instead of the
3 alarm stuff it normally comes with.
And chips with the most delicious creamy
jalapeno sauce / dip.
(Kyle opted out of joining us...)

After a lovely dinner,
we headed to the ranch.
Linda picked up her truck and headed back
to Gainesville to her hotel and Kyle and I
headed into Bronson to the Dollar General store
to pick up some wasp/hornet spray since he
nearly got stung minutes before we got there.
(The nest was ON the squeeze chute...)
Then across the street for a Subway sandwich
for him for dinner.
(He re-hung a bunch of the gates in the facility
so they swung better - the cows beat on them
and they start to sag after a bit.)

We sat on his couch and watched a couple
episodes of West Wing on Netflix and
then headed off to bed.

We were both up this morning at 6:30.
The cowboys were coming "just before 7".
Sure enough, 6:59 they pulled in!
Two trucks, two trailers, two cowboys
and they each brought their daughter and
their ponies.
Clair was FOUR and Dixie was EIGHT 
(it was her birthday today!)
They "work" with their dads every day
during the summer.
They were both really good little cowgirls.
Oh, and 5 or 6 dogs.
They headed off into the mist to gather
the herd - next thing we knew, they were
thundering across the pasture in a big
group, out of the pasture and into the
long alley. Once they hit the alley 
(no way out) they slowed down and walked
them up to the front of the property and
into the facility.
About that time the vet showed up.
(7:35 - he missed the turn - we watched him
drive by and took bets on how far he would
go before he figured it out... lol)

They got set up and got to work.
One cowboy (Lint - like the stuff in your pocket)
started pushing cows around the wing,
into the sweep and down the alley to the chute.
The little girls pushed them forward.

The other cowboy (Bob?) worked the squeeze.
The vet stood at the back and opened the
gate to allow one cow at a time into 
the chute, then slipped a "wand" into the cow
and did an internal ultrasound.
He called out the cow tag # and whether she was
pregnant, the gender and how far along 
or if she was open.

We were really afraid we were going to have
a 50% open since the bull was an untried
2 year old. The last time the vet was out we
"synced" all the cows (gave them a shot) to
bring them all into heat at the same time.
A week later the bull showed up.
Out of 27 cows we ended up with
2 - "open" un-bred (going to the auction)
1 - "mummy" (last stages of an aborted fetus)
also going to auction
22 -  at 4 months gestation
1 - at 80 days
1 -  at 45 days.


Linda stood next to the vet with a clipboard
with each cow's number where she made a
note about whatever the vet said.
Most of them he was able to sex the calf,
there are going to be a good blend.
One the little guy was "swimming" and he
couldn't get it to hold still enough to get a 
good look but all the others he identified
what was in there.

His ultrasound beamed up to a visor like 
a virtual realty thingie so he could see
really clearly what he was looking at.
But it also beamed to Linda's phone so she
got to follow along. She was in heaven!
(Kyle and I stood on the other side of the
chute - close enough to hear what he was
saying, but out of the way.)

He ran the last animal (a surprise little bull
calf that was born AFTER his last visit)
who needed to be castrated, ear tagged and 
given his baby shots at 8:00!
Thirty minutes to run 27 cows and 13 calves!


The cowboy doing the pushing kept them
going in a steady stream.
Kyle and I usually work a group of 5 or 6
and then gather another group of 5 or 6
and it takes us about an hour if we stop to
weigh everybody.
I don't think we can do it any faster.
But it was fun to see it move so smoothly.

Lint (like the stuff in your pocket) is also the
President of the Levy County Cattleman's Association.
He was VERY complimentary on Kyle's facility.
He had worked this same herd before Linda
bought them - using the old facility Ronnie
had cobbled together out of random junk.
He was VERY complimentary on Kyle's facility.

We also had a really interesting conversation with
the two cowboys and the vet when we were all done.
The field they gathered the cows out of looks
REALLY good right now.
It's Pensacola Bahia grass which self-seeds and
since the cows have been off it for 30 days,
there are tons of seed heads and the grass looks
really good. They said we should call this guy
they know (gave Linda a card) who will come and
harvest those seeds and pay her for them!
Who knew!!!

They also recommended she lease out the extra
pastures to another guy who comes in early spring,
deep disks, spreads Dolomite (a form of lime)
and plants a peanut crop.
Since peanut is a legume, it replenishes the soil's
nitrogen content, and then part of the deal is
he leases the property for $50/acre and after he
harvests his peanut crop, he RESEEDS with a 
winter rye / bahia blend!
So you make a little money, improve your ground
and end up with a fantastic pasture!
(That's why the other pasture looks so good,
they leased it out for peanut the year before 
Linda bought it... the next pasture over was leased
out for watermelon and was supposed to be peanut
the next year when the property owner died and
everything just stopped.)

Linda and Kyle are both really jazzed about that.
The guy that comes in has all the RIGHT equipment
to disk / seed / etc which means Kyle doesn't have to
do all that work and try to deal with using the
wrong equipment for the job.
Exciting for everybody!

And, since they had such a great success rate
with this year's breeding, instead of Kyle building
4 new holding pens they decided to cut that in half
and only build 2 right now with the potential to
build the other 2 down the road if they decide
they need to. (They need these extra pens for
cutting the herd but also for fence weaning and
private selling the cows / calves they are 
getting rid of.)
So Kyle was heading down to Orlando to pick
up the wood this afternoon and get started
on that "little" project.

After the guys left we rode out to the pastures
and took a good look at them
and had a really good "meeting" to make some
future plans for the property and get everybody
on the same page as far as projects and

And then Linda and I packed up and headed
back down south.
We got home about 1:30 so she could spend
the rest of the day with her Grandkids.

A successful day all around.
And now I'm going to take a nap.

Monday, July 29, 2019


Man oh Man!
That was a class.
I finished up with 36 students.
And a couple that just NEEDED
to talk, ask questions, comment, 
hear themselves speak.

I was EXHAUSTED when I rolled out of 
there at 9:45 Sunday night.

I had a good Podcast to listen to,
so I didn't have any trouble 
staying away on the highway,
but I was asleep within 15 minutes
of getting home!

Out of 36, I passed 20.
Some were super close and should have passed,
but we have to give the test at 7 pm and
they started the day in my classroom at 7:30 am.
(They were working in their workbooks,
don't they look studious?)

On the drive up, Friday evening, there was 
a rain storm ahead of me most of the way.
But I was in the sun following it.

Which meant I had a fun companion.

You have to look hard to see it,
but it was a double rainbow!

The pictures aren't very good cuz I just
held up my phone and hit the button
and hoped I got something other than 
the road, or my door, or the roof...

It was a nice drive and didn't start raining
until after I was safely in my bed in
my hotel room.

This morning I'm doing my "end of class"
paperwork and getting that submitted
to the home office,
then I have to run to WalMart.
My power cord for my iPad broke last week
so on my way out of town Friday I stopped
and got a new one.
But when I got to my hotel,
it had a C instead of a USB on the other end
so I had to plug it into my iPad and my phone.
I sat and watched the battery on my phone
tick down, but the battery on my iPad
barely move.
So then I recharged my phone (takes 2 hours)
(so I set an alarm), woke up, plugged in my
iPad again, then recharged my phone...
I was up and down all night and still only
had about 80% on my iPad in the morning.
My presentation SUCKS my battery dry,
so that wasn't going to work.

I left the hotel early and ran to CVS.
They had what I needed!
Otherwise I would have just borrowed 
an iPhone charger from one of my
million students.

Anyhow, I need to run to WalMart and
return the cord I bought on Friday.
And I want to get a little trash can to
put in Kyle's "guest" bathroom instead
of the walmart bag that has been hanging
on the cabinet knob for 6 months.
(I'm the only one who uses that bathroom...)

He just left to head up there.
Hopefully he has a finished building
when he gets there.
Because ALL his tools are stored in
the front bedroom.
Usually he just piles them all up and
clears a little space for my blow up
mattress, but he keeps accumulating 
more stuff and now there isn't even room
to walk in there.
So I might be sleeping on the couch.
If the building is done, he can finally
put the stuff out there where it belongs!
But I'm not holding my breath.

I'm picking up Linda and we are going
up together. We will stop in Ocala on the way
at Rural King (a WAY better version of 
Tractor Supply) and get me a load of feed
and then head to the ranch.
The cowboys (yup, TWO of them this time)
are supposed to be there at 7 in the morning
with the vet arriving at 7:30.
We need to preg-check all 27 cows,
weigh and spray everybody,
and there is a calf that needs to be
vaccinated, ear tagged and castrated.
Hopefully we will be all finished before
it gets too hot.

And then we will jump in the car and
head straight back.
Linda's oldest daughter and her husband
and 4 kids are arriving down here some time
today. They will stay at her house,
play in her pool, etc. but she wants to 
get back as soon as she can to spend 
time with them.
School starts on the 12th, so this is the
last summer hurrah.

Better get stuff done here!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Record Numbers! (And a Couple "God Winks")

It has been brought to my attention
that I left y'all hanging about my
class last weekend.
Maybe because I was trying to wipe
it out of my brain?

I sent a text to the gentleman who
sets up the room for me and let him
know that we had 143 people registered.
I would need ALL the tables and chairs.

He took me at my word.

My room is rated for 20 students.
I can comfortably fit 28.
I have STUFFED 32.

He set up for 42 students!!!

(God Winks are what some people call
those little blessings that show you that
you are LOVED.)

There were students waiting for me when
I arrived at school at 7:10. Registration begins
at 7:30, but I sent a couple emails to the students
letting them know they should be EARLY.
I started signing people in.
At 8:00 I had 14 more people still standing
in line waiting to sign in.
I counted them off and then closed the door.

I had EXACTLY 42 students.

Class starts at 8:00 and I'm not allowed to
sign in anyone after that point, so I let those
14 people in, gave them books and then closed
the door into my classroom.
I put a note on the front desk in the office
letting people know we were full and to please
leave their name and contact information
so they would be re-registered.
When I opened the door at break there were an
additional 6 people who had left their names.
(And two more showed up Sunday morning.
REALLY? They were unhappy they couldn't get
in, but hey - class started yesterday. You weren't 
here so I gave your seats away.)


As I pulled into the drive-thru at McDonalds
to pick up my breakfast , I said a quick prayer,
asking for everything to go smoothly and
for help with this huge class I was expecting.
I ordered my breakfast in the drive-thru,
(2 sausage burritos, and a large drink with no ice...) 
he mis-heard me and
rang me up for 3 burritos.
It wasn't worth the hassle of correcting him
and they are only $1 each, and my company
pays for my meals, so I let it go.
I inhaled one on the drive to the school.

At first break, I started signing in the 14 people.
I got 5 of them done.
(It's REALLY EASY, but some of these folks
don't speak much English and haven't got much
experience with "technology" so it takes a little
time on the first run through...)

At 2nd break, I signed in 5 more students.
At 3rd break (when I normally pre-order my
Subway sandwich) I signed in the final 4 students.
So I didn't order lunch.

And then at lunch, I had RVPs, students, etc
asking a billion questions and I knew it was going
to take forever to sign them all back in, so
I chose not to take lunch.
And LOOK! I still had 2 burritos left
from breakfast!

All-in-all it was a good class, but WAY too big.
I didn't feel like I connected with more than
half of the students. There were several who were
vocal, it was a good class, but I feel like there were
some who were "lost" and I couldn't "find" them.

I dropped to 40 students on Sunday (so I COULD
have fit the 2 late girls, but I expect everyone to
come back and they annoyed me with their 
attitudes so... whatever... lol.)


Incidentally, I DIDN'T say a quick prayer
when I got to McDonalds.
Ordered my usual (except I intentionally
ordered 3 burritos since it was a great idea)
and when I got 2 blocks away and reached
into my bag to snarf a burrito...

My soda was a regular Coke with FULL ICE.
My breakfast was 2 hash brown patties
and an Egg McMuffin.

So I made a Good Girl Moonshine
(splash of apple cider vinegar, tsp of
powdered ginger, a packet of stevia and
a bottle of water - I keep this stuff in my
cabinet at all times...) and opened the McMuffin.
Ate the meat, cheese and egg.
Gave the hash browns to the first 2 students
who raised their hands,
and threw away the muffin.

I didn't get a chance to pre-order my lunch
and Subway was PACKED, so I hit the
McD in the same parking lot and got
a burger. (Ick... but food is food...)

Point taken.

Also... Kyle and I keep telling each other that
we have GOT to start listening to "that little voice".
The little voice said, after school on Sat night
you should really pop into WalMart and get some
paper products for the bathroom.

But WalMart isn't anywhere near my school,
Chili's where I get my take-away dinner, 
or my hotel.
So I forgot.

And we ran out of paper towels.
Wipe your hands on your pants.

Looking forward to this weekend.
NOT looking forward to calling and marking
the electronic roll and re-signing all 40-ish
students back in for their final exam in a 

The class is SO full that I can't walk from 
student to student and have them sign in once
the test has begun, so I think I will go back
to my original idea (a year ago) of giving
them the test and then when they bring
up their test to be graded, I'll have them
sign in at that time.
It was a TOTAL pain in the neck.
But the best of the lousy options.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Pioneer Day

It's the 24th of July.
Pioneer Day.

I got an email from Family Search
to let me know I was related to a

So I clicked on the story.

All about Marion Leslie Stoddard.

And then I clicked on the
"Sources" tab.

And there she was!

Very cool!
I'm just finishing reading the entire
Work and the Glory series
again. I have a couple of chapters left.
I'll probably finish it today.
I'm feeling very "Pioneer-ish" lately.

(And then I have no idea what I'll read
this weekend while my students are
taking their exam... but I'll find something.)


Remember when I joked about
Kyle's building not being done
until August?
That's next week.

Progress photo...

One ... stinkin' ... wall.
(Those are NOT windows up there at the top...
its just where they quit for the day.)

They promised to work last Wed afternoon
and then 12 hours each Thurs and Fri.
But they never showed up.
They did this on Monday.
And another part on Tuesday.
No show again today.


Shades of the mobile home install.

Never hire people in Bronson, FL.
The people there have ZERO work ethic.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Random Stats

I was goofing around in my blog
the other day, looking at the stats.

I have posted 1071 blogs!
(Including this one...)

I have had 19,662 views!
(But that's since day 1... lol)
371 total comments
*Thanks Rozie!

And I have someone who has
read my blog 3 times from...


Totally random.

I'm getting ready to head out.
I have a class this weekend in
West Palm Beach.
My room holds between 28 and 35.
28 comfortably.
35 sardines.

I currently have 148 students registered.
I'm hoping 80% of them sleep in.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


The other day (ok, about a week ago)
Rod was sitting at a red light
and someone in front of him
backed up into him!

That's a hard one to explain to
the insurance company...

But he had good insurance.
And was on his way to the 
hospital to visit his Dad.

So they exchanged information and
went on their way.

A couple of days later,
Rod took his car to the body
folks that Jim's dealership uses
(Rod drives a VW too...)
and the guy's insurance paid
for a rental car for him.

It was a silver Nissan Altima.
He didn't love it.
But it was free.

Yesterday he was very pleased to
trade it back in for his little Golf.
All cleaned up with a lovely new
bumper with no more crinkles.

Glad nobody got hurt and his little
car is all better.


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Creepy or Cool?

So, I need your opinion.

This was in our mailbox today.

It was a mailer.
And at first glance, it's SUPER COOL!

And then I got to thinking about it.

How does this random company
know that we HAVE chickens and
sell eggs? We haven't sold them to the
general public in several years.
It's been all private sales.

On the other hand, lots of people
have backyard chickens, so I guess
it's not a total stab in the dark.
Or maybe they got my name from
the hatchery I order my chicks from...



And no, I'm not ordering any.
Although they would be fun,
they are on the pricey end and more
than I want to spend for a novelty item.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Best Laid Plans

I had lots of plans for today.

They started with feeding the animals.

However I was going to work at the
town hall, so I tried to get started
a little earlier than usual.
Which meant I didn't start the day
with my usual workout.
Which also meant I didn't start the
day with my usual 16 oz bottle of water.

Headed out to feed the animals.
Brought the horses in,
took feed out to the cows,
and then walked to the front of the 
property to open the gate to the
front yard. It's Thursday and I like
to put the horses up front on Thursdays.
That's the day our neighbor has all
his city customers come to his farm
to pick up their produce shares.
I don't love having my horses back
there where people are trying to
feed them hand fulls of grass.
(Not that it would hurt them, but
Andy has a split in his bottom lip
and it you aren't careful when you
hand feed him, its easy for your 
fingers to get caught up in his lip
and then you THINK he is biting you.
Yeah... don't need that drama.)


While up there, I grabbed the hose to
dump, scrub and refill their water bucket.
But the hose was all kinked from the
last time it was used.
So I wrestled with that and got it mostly
straightened out and stretched over to
the bucket.
Then I remembered that Thursday is the
day they pick up "yard trash" and last
week Kyle trimmed the bougainvillea
in front of his window and left a big pile
in the yard. So I went back to the barn
and got the big yellow wheelbarrow and a
pitch fork and went back to gather that up.
(Stopped at the house for my deer skin gloves
cuz SPIKES!) Got that all loaded up and
taken out to the street and dumped.
By then the horses were mostly finished
eating their breakfast, so I went back to the
barn to return the wheelbarrow and bring 
the guys up front. They know where to go,
so I just follow along behind and remind them
not to stop and then close the gate behind them.

And then I needed to let the dogs out so they
could go to the bathroom and run around
for a little bit.
While they were out I headed into the 
house to make me some oatmeal for

And that's when it hit me.

I was WAAAAAY over heated and pretty
well dehydrated. I got to a chair and sat down
just before it all went black around the edges.
I drank a bottle of water (with a pinch of
himalayan  pink salt in it), and sat under
the ceiling fan for a bit.
Then it was time to get the dogs and
bring them inside the garage.
We have a deal with our neighbor that
our girls will be inside the house from
10 to 11 every morning so she can let
her neurotic show dog out without worrying
that he will freak out.
By the time I got them in their crates
and fed, I was feeling woozy again.
So it was back to sit under the fan with
another bottle of water.
It took about an hour and a half to finally
feel like I was back to normal!
Lesson learned!


I FINALLY felt well enough to make 
my oatmeal and a drink with some collagen.
But by then it was "lunch" at the town hall
and no point in heading over there to just
sit around and chat.
And then I remembered that I needed to
finish up some paperwork for my church calling
(Self Reliance Specialist - we saw a member yesterday
and I needed to type up a report for the Bishop.)
Got that all done and by then it was too late to
bother going to town hall, so I decided to
take the truck and head into town to Tractor Supply
and get some feed and then by our local feed
store for a bale of hay for the cows.

And that's when the heavens opened up and
it POURED! So... no feed run.

Instead, I decided to clean the kitchen.

I got out my beautiful Grove.co glass bottle
full of natural cleaner and wiped down the
counters, the inside of the microwave,
the stove, etc and realized my bottle was
nearly empty. So I pulled out my concentrate
and made a new batch.
And then I knocked the entire bottle off the
counter - smashing it into a million pieces.

Naturally I was barefoot and Beau (aka My Shadow)
was right there next to me.
And here we were standing in an ocean of
cleaner with ice burgs of broken glass.

I managed to get Beau out of the room
and grabbed some clean bath towels from
on top of the dryer to mop up and contain
the mess. Then it was sweep, swiffer, damp mop
to make sure I got every single little micro
chip of glass off the tile floor.

And then Rod walked in the door.
He has High Council tonight, so he is
resting a bit before he gets cleaned up
and then we are going to go to Chick Fil A
for a sandwich before he heads south
to his meeting and I head into town for feed.

I would just wait and go tomorrow,
but I have to drive over to Orlando to 
substitute teach for one of my instructors
who had a death in the family this week.
It's a Friday evening, Saturday afternoon,
all day Sunday class. (And it's the final
weekend so all day Sunday means
7:30 am til 9:30 pm.
And then an hour plus drive home.
So yeah.

If you read all this...

A peak in the life, as it were.

My Cowboy

Our horses are getting old.
Ok, so are we... haha.
But we don't ride often anymore.

Partly because we are always busy.
Partly because it is HOT in Florida.
And partly because ... we just don't.

But we DID go for a ride on July 4.

We went "early" in the morning
to try to avoid the HOT here in Florida thing.

No idea what I was looking at...

Rod still loves his "new" saddle.

Although, CJ doesn't love standing still on the trail.
He was in a hurry to get back to walking
through this lush and beautiful trail.

We had a wonderful time.
We might have to do it again!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


The other morning I was laying in bed.
I was resting on my right side,
as I often do, and noticed I could
hear my wall clock ticking LOUDLY
from in the bathroom.

As I often do, when it is quiet, I 
began talking to myself.
And then I started counting along
with the ticking.
Which was driving me a little nuts.

So I rolled over.

And noticed I could no longer hear 
the ticking of the clock!

So I rolled over again.

Left ear - ticking.
Right ear - no ticking.
Left ear - ceiling fan squeaking.
Right ear - no squeaking.

But I was still able to "hear" out of
my right ear, so I decided it was a
sign I was getting old and got up.

Fast forward to yesterday.
I had a regular thyroid check-up at my
new ARPN's office.
I noticed my right ear felt "plugged".
So I mentioned it to her and when 
she checked my ears, my left was
bright and clean and my right ear
was "plugged to the max". 

She also mentioned I have a TINY
ear canal. 
And then the "specialist" came in to
irrigate my right ear.
She also mentioned my TINY ear canal.
In fact, she had to switch out to the
"child size" thing-a-ma-bobby.

Which explains THIS!

You know those earbuds that come
with your new cell phone?
I've had several pairs of 
these "new" shaped ear buds
over the years.
And they NEVER fit.
I've switched out the little rubber
thingie to the bigger one and the smaller
one and I've watched YouTubes on how
to correctly fit them in your ears...
but no luck.
Kyle has the same problem.

Which explains why I bought 
SIX pairs of these hideous green
ear buds when I found them
on Amazon.

They have a nice, classic, flat style.
And it fits in my ear.
And I live in constant fear that 
they will quit making them.

Oh yeah,
and I can hear again.

I really need to get a quieter clock.

Monday, July 8, 2019


Usually when the dogs are outside
Shadow voluntarily goes into the
dog yard and climbs under their deck
and lays in the cool, shady sand.

Not today.

She has been sitting under the oak trees
for literally HOURS this afternoon.

We had some rain earlier and
it is still overcast
so it is cooler than it has been recently.

But she has been sitting there,
looking up into the tree.

I'm willing to bet there is a
up there.

She is kind of keeping an eye on
her kingdom (queendom?)
but she hasn't moved.
And I'm pretty sure she won't.
Until I call her in for dinner.

*The squirrel is TOTALLY safe.
While she is vigilant, she is the world's
WORST hunter. The squirrel could 
literally run across her toes and she would
still miss grabbing it.

Friday, July 5, 2019


Kyle hasn't ever been to the E.R. before.
Well, except for when he was 18 months
old and held his breath and "turned his face blue".
But that was just a tantrum.
Of course it resulted in 24 hours hospitalization
for observation and a $2500 bill.
But we won't go there.


He drove home from the ranch on Wed.
His left wrist started to ache
(as it often does) as he was driving.
And then his shoulder got sore.
And then it radiated down to his elbow.
And then down to his hand.
And then up to his face.
His face felt swollen and kind of "numb".
Or Tingly.
Or Numbgly.
And he started to worry.
And then his chest started to feel tight.
And he started to worry more.
And then he stood up (he was sitting on the couch)
and upon standing said "Ok, I feel TERRIBLE."

So we loaded up in my car and the 3 of us
headed to the Urgent Care.
Which was closed.
So next door to the Emergency Room it was.

Evidence that he felt AWFUL.
He let me take his picture!

They did an EKG because of the chest stuff,
but decided it was a pinched nerve in his shoulder
due to repetitive motion (driving the tractor).
Exacerbated by a panic attack. 
(which he has on occasion.) 
(Work comp!)

Gave him a scrip for 800 mg Ibuprofen and a Steroid.
Dr. said not to fill them yet though.
Likely regular Ibuprofen and rest 
(and Mom added Turmeric for anti-inflammatory)
would be all he needed.
Since he is home for 4 or 5 days anyway...

He got "hooked up" and they even got a needle
in his arm to take blood and in case of needing
an IV. Luckily he didn't inherit Grandma's veins!
(Or mine for that matter, they dive, roll, shrink...)
But the nurse was lucky he was bigger than Kyle
because Kyle REALLY wanted to punch him.
(He does NOT do needles - which explains his
lack of a medical history - walk it off or rub some
dirt in it and it will be fine... lol)

Rod and I are trying to talk him into seeing 
Rod's chiropractor. We both know it will help...
but so far no luck on that front.


He said, better take a picture, cuz this is NEVER
happening again.

He's feeling better (and embarrassed he wore that disgustingly
dirty hat into their nice clean hospital room)
and kind of enjoying the "sorry, can't, I'm on disability"
response to... everything I suggest.

But he is a little bummed.
He wanted to go kayaking, or snorkling, or 
Instead we are heading to H&M to get him
some new shirts.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Random Tuesday Stuff

Lots to tell.
And nothing to say.

Here, in completely random order is 
all the news that is fit to print.

1.  Rod got laid off from his 2nd job yesterday.
Talk about burying the lead!
But, although we were both kind of annoyed
about how it happened and the reason behind
it (it really was stupid) we are both actually
really pleased. And feeling extremely blessed.
Remember last week when I said we never see
each other? And poor Rod is always exhausted.
Well, this means he will be able to come home
every afternoon!!!
And his full time job has opened up overtime again
so he will work a couple hours on Saturday.
But YEA!
We get to eat dinner together!
And go for walks in the cooler evenings together!
And maybe even make a run over to the Orlando
Temple (when it opens again)!
And he won't be so tired all the time.
I'm excited.

2. I was really worried about Andy.

He has a terrible nervous thing he has ALWAYS done.
He stomps and paws his left foot, mostly when its
time to eat - like there is a possibility he might 
starve to DEATH while waiting for me to pour
his grain into his manger.
And he now has this HUGE split in his hoof.

It was actually bleeding slightly when I first saw it.

So I sent a text and a photo to my farrier.

(He was supposed to be here 4 weeks ago, but his wife
who is his assistant, hurt her shoulder and they had
to postpone... Andy's feet were quite overdue!
But since we are ALL retired, I don't worry as much
as I used to - he just wanders around in the pasture.
I almost never ride anymore.)

Dennis came and did his feet.
We were all worried it would require some sort
of epoxy and soaking and... who knows.

But when he really got into it, it's actually
just a surface crack. And while it LOOKS terrible
it's actually just cosmetic.

It's all trimmed up now and he'll be fine.

(He spills lots of his feed while eating.
He always has, but it's worse now that he is
31 years old and most of his molars are gone...
thank goodness for chickens!)

3.  I got some hay last year from a ranch near Kyle's.
It must have had some seeds in it.
Because this year I have a surprise growing
out by the cow's hay feeder!

These are purple passion flowers!
Kyle found some up at the ranch last year.
Hasn't seen any up there yet this year...

Years ago my neighbor Chris and I talked
about ordering some from a seed catalog and
planting them along our fence line, but we
never got around to it.

But now... here they are!

However, this week the horses ate them.
Good thing I got a picture!
I'm going to dig up the roots and move them
into a space the animals can't get to.
I love them!

4.  That's it.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Best Friends

Our little steers are best friends.
Wherever one is, the other is
generally pretty close by.

Except at feeding time.
Charlie is always first at the bucket.
Brown sometimes waits a bit.

But generally this is where you will find them.
Basking in the sun together.
Or hiding in the shade.
But pretty well joined at the hip.

They are both putting on weight.
Good job guys!
Keep it up!!!