I guess I should really finish talking
about our trip TWO WEEKS AGO!
Let's see.....
When I last left you, I told you we missed
the car rental place by a whopping 15 minutes.
And so we got to do LOTS of walking.
We drove the truck over to the new house
and walked back to the hotel.
Then a bit later we walked BACK to the new house
to make sure they got the keys, etc.
Then walked back to the hotel.
And, of course, some Uber Eats!
And then to SLEEP (and NOT have to get
up at the crack of dawn for more driving!)
Sunday morning dawned crisp and beautiful.
We walked across the street to WalMart and
bought some snacks for our hike and a new
toque and some gloves.
Then Sondra pulled up and we loaded into her
little car and headed up the mountain!
(without the snow... and men... lol)
It was so much fun building those guys!
The weather was perfect, a little crisp but not
hot and not cold, just right.
And if we stopped under a pine tree,
we got little chunks of icy snow dropped on us!
The hiking buddies!
They had a great time walking and talking and talking and walking...
They were very careful not to leave me in their dust.
And yes, there WAS some snow...
(My walking sticks and my boot...)
We made it to the top, just before you drop down into the
valley where the 2nd lake is.
It was getting late in the afternoon, the clouds were
rolling in, and I wasn't confident I could make it
down into the valley and then back OUT again.
So we called it quits there.
(Same place we quit back in June when it was
totally snowy... the same part of the trail was hard to
walk because this time it was full of slippery wet MUD...)
It was a great hike and a beautiful day!
Took Soni for a half-lap around the bottom lake to show her
the picnic grounds - she wants to bring Greg up there
for their wedding anniversary!
It's really beautiful and peaceful.
Once we made it back to the car,
Sondra drove us back into Logan and took us
out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse.
YUMMY yeast rolls with cinnamon butter!
(And a pretty darn good steak too... lol.)
Dropped us at the hotel and headed back to Salt Lake.
I wanted us to be off the mountain early enough she could get home
before she was too tired...
So many beautiful fall colors! |
Monday was another beautiful day.
We hiked the two miles up to the car rental place
and FINALLY got a car!
And it cost as much for ONE day as it would have
for the whole weekend!
But we were glad to have one.
Took it and drove to the hotel to check out and then
back up to Tony Grove to walk around
the "bottom" lake.
The wind coming off the lake was pretty chilly!
The trail is so pretty!
We enjoyed it so much....
We did it TWICE!
And then headed back down the mountain
and into Salt Lake to visit with Brian at his shop!
He has quite the set up!
He and Kyle had a good visit, talking business start-up
and advertising and employee relations and and and...
I think they both enjoyed it.
By the time we got out of there (6:30) it had started to rain.
Luckily our hotel was about 2 miles away,
since the windshield wipers on the car were
pretty pathetic!!!
Door Dash this time (in honor of Matt) for a yummy
dinner and then TO BED!
And up EARLY the next morning to drive to the airport.
We weren't sure how long it would take to return the car
so we wanted to get there nice and early.
Our flight was scheduled for 9:40 and we had to return
the car and go through TSA so we got there about 7-ish.
TSA was well organized and only took 30-40 minutes to get
through and then when we got to our gate to wait for
our flight, we got a text that we didn't have a pilot and our
flight was bumped to 11:30!
Guess we would have had time for breakfast... lol.
But at least we weren't one of the hundreds of SouthWest
flights that were cancelled that weekend leaving people
stranded all over the country.
They found us a pilot, we hopped on the plane and
made it to Denver in time to catch our next flight
(very next gate over) with time to spare - so we grabbed
a couple of Aunt Annie pretzels for the flight!
And then sat on the tarmac for an hour waiting for a
thunderstorm to blow through.
So poor Rod had to sit and wait and wait and wait in the
cellphone parking lot at the Orlando airport until we
FINALLY landed.
BOY were we happy to see him and head HOME!
And THAT... was the saga of the trip.
Not much of a vacation.
But an adventure!
And the LAST time we are going to drive a
moving van for anybody.