I am just finishing up my VERY LAST LIVE CLASS!!!
It has been a great class, but when I thanked
them for being a terrific final class,
I choked up. So I left it alone.
I'll still be doing zoom from the "town" house,
at least for a couple of months until we
see how that works out...
but this is the last class in the classroom.
While I have been out of town,
Rod delivered Buddy, our last horse,
to some friends from the ward who have
a couple of senior horses already.
Buddy is 35+ years old.
He hasn't been ridden in 4 or 5 years.
His back-end is a little wobbly.
But other than that, and the fact that he
has no grinder molars in the back,
he is in good shape.
(Well, a little skinny and SUPER
sway-backed... but he's OLD.)
He still gallops from the back pasture all
the way up to the barn if we call him
for dinner.
We've had him for 20 years.
He came as a "book end" with my horse Andy.
We bought him because he was the same breed
(Florida Cracker) as my first horse, Joey.
Rod rode him quite often for awhile,
and he was a great horse when we had friends
come who wanted to ride.
Short, gentle, fun.
(He LOVED water and you had to be
intentional when you rode him through or
he would give you BOTH a bath...)
Rod said he did well in the trailer,
stood by him in the pasture at the new place
for about 10 minutes, and then wandered off
to check out the new digs and the
neighboring pony.
They will take great care of him for
the remainder of his years.
Bye Buddy. You've been a wonderful horse.
Now... there's just the chickens.
And they go tomorrow.