I didn't fall off the earth,
rather, I drove across it!
In a marathon of driving.
My driving companion was Beau.

He eventually figured out there were blankets in the
backseat as well, so he split his time between
the front and the back of the truck.
And sometimes he perched on the
center armrest/console just for variety.
My view was the back of Kyle's truck
pulling a trailer with his Cat onboard.
On the way out, I wagged the tail.
Rod led, pulling a car trailer with Kyle's Gulf,
Jim followed in the U-Haul
pulling a trailer with my Trooper,
then Kyle with his Cat
and finally me.
With no trailer, cuz I'm a pansy.
We took nearly EVERYTHING we own
out to Kansas.
Rod also had Kyle's rottweiler, Luna, in
a crate in the back of his truck,
since he has a big topper.
Because of the value of the stuff,
and because of the two dogs,
we decided to just sleep in our trucks.
We pulled into truck stops each evening,
covered as many windows as possible with
window shades / blankets / etc
and curled up with a pillow and a
blanket (and in my case, a dog)
and went to sleep.
And when the sun came up,
we took the covers down and
hit the road again.
We didn't run hard.
Took lots of breaks to fill the gastanks,
and let the dogs and people out to
stretch their legs.
Luna did NOT love the idea of getting
back into the crate in the back
of the truck and it took all 3 men
to put her back in there.
(By the end of the trip she had
accepted her fate and all we had
to do was toss in an empty water bottle
for her to play with and she hopped
up into the truck and into the crate
all on her own... thank heavens!!)
It was a little brisk!
We arrived in Kansas on November 1.
We have to pass by the ranch so we stopped there
first and checked on the state of
Kyle's house.
It looked just as he left it.
There were several good hail / wind
storms last month and he was a little
concerned whether it would survive.
But he's a good builder.
Then on to Hill City to check out the
little house on Walnut Street.
There were inspection stickers dated 2022 on
EVERYTHING from the faucets to the
toilet, bathtub, thermostat, stating
they were not in working condition.
EVERY window was broken in some manner.
The sliding glass doors not only had broken
glass, but they would neither open nor completely close.
The bedrooms were DISGUSTING.
And even if they weren't, one was painted
a horrible combination of BLACK and DARK RED
with NIKE all over the place.
This was going to be a tear-down and start over,
not "a little rough" as it was presented to us.
The agent sent us some VERY carefully angled
photos that showed a rough, older home that
would need some paint and floor covering.
The story was a man bought the house,
started to renovate it, but was killed in a car accident
and his estate was just trying to get rid of it.
The REAL story was it was a literal crack house.
They were dealing drugs out of the house.
(Right across the street from the local
Southern Baptist church and next door
to the pastor... cheeky!)
The police raided it, he took off, a chase
ensued, and he was killed when he wrecked his car.
Same story, just a little more detail.
Thankfully we had NOT closed on the house,
we contacted the agent and told him NO.
He came to talk to us and you could tell
he knew he had taken advantage of us.
And he wasn't sorry and would do the same
to the next family who came along.
We will be filing complaints against him
with both Zillow and the Kansas Realtor Board.
Meanwhile, we had already rented a 2nd storage
building in the same facility where Kyle is storing
his tractor, so we unloaded everything from the
U-Haul, there was plenty of room, so we put
the Trooper in one of them as well.
And then headed back to the ranch to
spend the night in our trucks one more time.
Thursday morning we got up, headed into Hays
and returned the U-Haul and one of the car trailers.
Then back to the ranch to say Goodbye and
THANK YOU to Jim for his help.
He and Kyle headed off to Denver in the
Ranger so he could fly back to Florida on Friday.
Kyle thought about staying the night with Jim,
but he said Denver is HORRIBLE.
There are homeless everywhere,
the streets are covered in trash and there are
tents and panhandlers and .... he just didn't
feel safe leaving the truck there.
So he hung out for a bit and then hit the road again.
Stopped at a rest area around dark and slept
for a few hours and then headed on to the
ranch, arriving at 3:30 in the morning.
While he was gone, Rod and I drove around the
next little town called WaKeeney and absolutely
fell in love with the town.
We found an adorable little house in an
older, friendly neighborhood.
Met with a new (wonderful) realtor,
toured the house and put in an offer.
(which they did not accept...)
We hoped to move me in right away,
and then Rod and Kyle would go back to Florida
and finish getting the house ready to sell,
and then they would join me there.
But the offer wasn't accepted.
So when Kyle got back, we loaded up again
and headed home.
I'm hoping the little house doesn't sell.
Because I LOVE it.
But I don't feel like we can buy it until
we sell the Florida house, and I don't
want to try to drive back out there
again this winter.
The weather will only get more wintery.
So the plan is to stay here,
work on the house,
work at our jobs,
and prepare to move in the spring.
Which was the original plan anyway.
Except now here we are with 90% of our stuff
in Kansas.
We have living room furniture (mostly, we left the
end tables Kyle made us out there.... but we
are using a filing cabinet and an end table
from the bedroom I was going to get rid of...)
I had left minimal stuff in the kitchen because
I knew Rod was coming back, so we have
"some" dishes, had to buy a pot, frying pan,
and some spatulas... but I've been thinking
about living minimally. Now's my chance!
Been getting lots of Amazon deliveries.
For essentials, like a rice cooker (they didn't
have any at WalMart), and t-shirts and a
couple of teaching shirts and a skirt for church.
It will be fun.
(ask me again in the spring... lol)
That's a short, update on the state of affairs.
I'm teaching zoom and subbing in West Palm Beach
in Nov and Dec. We will just take it a day at a time.
Thank you to ALL OF YOU for your prayers
of support and safety. We really felt the hand
of the Lord in this adventure.
We are simply putting our trust in Him and His
timeline, knowing this is the right thing, we
just got the timing wrong.