We have been busy!
We replaced the hideous light fixture in both the bathrooms.
And put a white wood frame around the
large, construction grade mirrors.
Should have done THAT a million years ago!
Hard at work...
Ok, maybe not ALL of us were hard at work...
Today Rod was going to replace the door into the tack room.
But Kyle needs to do some work on his Cat before
he starts a couple of big jobs on Tuesday.
So Rod is helping him out with that.
Of course we took some time out to head to the beach
and see the beautiful full moon reflecting off the ocean.
We also got to enjoy the first of TWO night launches!
This one was the Falcon Heavy and included
a boost-back to the Cape.
(Which means instead of the boosters landing on
a barge out in the ocean, they landed back at the
same place they took off from! Amazing technology!)
With the night launches you can really see them
coming back down to land. It's spectacular!
The 2nd launch wasn't until 11:00 and Rod needed
to get to bed so he could work early the next morning.
Kyle and I watched it from the back patio.
It was a regular Falcon 9 (Starlink) so not as big,
but always beautiful.
It was a perfect night for it!
I was hoping to have 2nd Christmas today,
but just heard from Jim that Sabrina is still
really sick with the flu.
So I guess we will just cook up the dinner
tomorrow for New Years Eve and maybe
drop their gifts off at their house on the way
home from church tomorrow.
I REALLY want to get the tree taken down.
It was already losing needles when we bought it
a month ago and now it's just a big mess.
Every time you even gently bump it
a gazillion needles fall off.
It's still pretty and smells AMAZING,
but it's time for it to go.