And has survived his first load. Just barely. (grin) Once he FINALLY got his truck cleaned up (they were supposed to detail it for him, but after waiting nearly 8 hours he gave up and did it himself...) they called him with a load.
Poor guy - if it could go wrong, it did.
Started out by rushing off to do a last minute, gotta-get-there-right-now load without all the necessary information, so got lost on the way. He managed to get there 10 minutes before the cut-off, but THEY were running late. Once they FINALLY got him loaded (2.5 hours behind schedule), he headed out, but missed a road out there in the boonies in the wee hours of the morning and it took 20 miles to find a place to turn his big ol' truck around!

Once he finally arrived at his destination to drop off some frozen chicken, he locked his keys in his truck! Oh my goodness! It took over an hour for AAA to get there and after messing around with it for nearly another hour, the AAA tech GAVE UP! WHAT????? 30 minutes later another driver from the company showed up. All the company trucks are keyed the same so he was able to unlock the door for him. Sheesh!
Then, loaded up on adrenaline, he hit the road to head to a town just north of Atlanta to drop off the rest of the chicken.
Wow! Quite an eventful and LONG first day. Next he's off to Missouri. Good luck babe!
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