Saturday, March 5, 2011

Good Dirty Fun

Kyle got off a little early today - he only works until 4:00 on Saturdays - so he took his Isuzu Trooper to some trails behind the Credit Union and played in the mud.  Nearly got stuck in a BIG mud hole... but got out and wasn't even as dirty as he was on Thursday night when he went over.  But he had a good time!!

Most of the mud is on the bottom... but you can see how muddy the tires are...

Just good "clean" fun!

Hard to believe this ol' truck is 23 years old!

A boy and his truck

Rod update:  He's sleeping in a truck stop in Matthews, Missouri.  He has to be up and out by 2:30 so he can deliver a load of Washington apples at 7:30 at a WalMart in ...  uh, somewhere!  LOL  I looked up so many places I can't remember now which one was his final destination, but I know it's about 180 miles from where he is now.

Jim update:  still waiting to hear from the company he's hoping to hire on with.

1 comment:

Rod said...

It looks like he had lots of fun with his truck, and he knows how to clean it.