Thursday, August 25, 2011


Today we took Bison up to the vet to get his rabies shot and a health certificate.  The vet said he was in good shape (especially since he got kicked in the head a couple of months ago) and that he was probably lab / asian (akita, chow, or some such breed).  He was VERY well behaved... except for not wanting to get back in the truck when we were done.

By the time we get to Arizona, he'll be an old hand at this stuff!

Meanwhile, the guys spent the majority of the day sitting around waiting for a load.  They are now on their way to just outside Detroit.  Jim has never been to Michigan before, so he's looking forward to adding another state to his list.

And, of course, Irene.  She brought lots of wind today.  Even though I have lived in Florida for 30 years, when I walked out of the office and felt a stiff warm wind, my very first thought was "ooooh, a chinook!"  LOL  Like when you smell a crayon and it takes you back to kindergarten, no matter how old you are.  Not much rain, which is ok, we've had plenty lately... 

"They" are predicting some pretty scary stuff for the New York area though.  Irene is supposed to be between a Category 4 and a Category 5 by the time she gets up there.  The storm surge is supposed to be 5 - 11 feet which means lots of flooding.  And with all the tall buildings, the wind gets in there and creates wind tunnels.  Sounds like it could be pretty bad.  They are making evacuation plans.

We are too.  Evacuating, that is.  From Florida to Arizona.  (grin)

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