Tuesday, September 13, 2011

No Idea Where this Post came from.......

Did a walk in the woods yesterday - actually did two of them... I headed out and got to the main trail when heard galumphing behind me.  Here came the lab running up the trail behind me.  Guess he didn't think much of being left behind.  Unfortunately he has VERY limited social skills when it comes to meeting others on the trail so I needed to catch him and take him home.  That took some doing (and Kyle running all the way from the house - Bison is HIS dog and it responds better to him...) but we got him caught and walked back to the house and locked in the "dog room".  Then I headed back out - this time sans any dogs (I usually take the jack russel with me off-leash because HE has GREAT walking skills...) but it was HOT and he wasn't interested.

I HAD to go though - there is a dead branch that reaches out into the middle of the trail and it catches me on the shoulder when I'm riding my horse and it HURTS as it drags down my arm and back.  So I grabbed my little garden saw and some hand clippers and headed back out again.  Got it trimmed (and a couple of other offending branches).  Here in Florida we need to do trail maintenance several times a week since everything grows so quickly. 

Anyhow - by the time I got home I felt like I had done a complete T-Tapp workout!  Hot and sweaty.  LOL  So into the pool I went.  Aaaaaaaah.

Anyhow - hope everybody is having a GREAT Friday!  Be sure to give extra lovin' to all the awesome men in our lives this weekend.  If you want to read the BEST tribute to a Dad I've ever read (be sure to have tissues handy) check out this blog... 

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