Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day Two


1 T of "dirt" in my Calgary '88 Olympics glass.  Swirl with a mini wisk and slam it back.  AWESOME!  No dirt taste at all!  Yipppppeeeeeeee!

The guys are in Montana - just driving through Butte (according to Google Latitude) - but it's only 7:00 am. Rod is driving, but his headset broke, so we can't talk on the phone.  (Supposed to always use a hand-free device - makes sense!  My headset broke too - sent it in to the company for a free replacement - and I'm going NUTS without it!) 

They are FREEZING out there.  9 degrees.  Meanwhile, we here in Paradise (aka Florida) have gotten confused again.  Although the calendar says November, I opened the door to JULY this morning.  75 and humid.  (Yah, I was LOVING it!)  Kyle was asking to turn on the a/c last night.  LOL  (And the answer was NO!  It's November!)

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