Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 9: My Daily Routine

Oops!  This was supposed to be yesterday - but the boys came home Sunday night, so I got discombobulated.  LOL

So, first things first - my daily routine.

In the mornings, I get up and workout.  Then I take this little lineup of goodies.  Left to right - first there is my Premium Blend Alfalfa.  Since taking it, my thyroid has either been working better, or my body has been better able to use the synthroid.  Either way, I've been able to lower my dosage twice!  That's great!  It is also helping with both PMS and Menopause.  I am completely symptom free from both!  (One hot flash to date - and no cramps/back aches/etc... although I reserve the right to blame my random crankiness on hormones... a woman's gotta have SOME benefits!)

Next up:  Turmeric.  I take 2 capsules every morning and am watching a couple of pre-skin cancer things vanish.  Loving that!

Then we have Milk Thistle.  Long known for cleansing the liver.  I know with all the fast food I've eaten over the years, my liver has to be a mess!  So I'm taking it... hoping for the best, but honestly, it can't hurt, right?

Of course, Flaxseed Oil is for those all important Omegas.  Just couldn't love the fishy burps I was getting from Fish Oil, so switched to flaxseed.

Then my favorite!  D3.  I take 5,000 units every morning.  I up it to 10,000 on the days I'm teaching (to ward off all the germs I encounter with all those strangers, and also it helps me sleep in a strange bed...) and up it again to 50,000 if I feel a cold or flu coming on.  Last winter I cured a terrible flu using 100,000 D3 and vast amounts of Oil of Oregano for 3 days.  I started getting sick on Tuesday and was able to teach my regular schedule that weekend.  (All around me, people were down for the count for an entire two weeks!)

Finally, of course, is my Synthroid.  (although this month I switched to the generic - we'll see how it goes...)

No idea about the random coins.  (Well, actually I bought a Snickers from the vending machine a couple of days ago and that was the change in my pocket... it's not like people are putting change on my dresser...)

So.  That's my morning routine.  Behind my daily bottles there are a couple of others - some cayenne I take when I'm having sinus issues (haven't taken any in a year - should probably check the expiration date on it) and my Oil of Oregano pills - haven't needed any of those either!  I gave some to Sabrina to help with her infected molar, but her dentist put her on an anti-biotic, so I had her quit the OoO. 


Update on the guys.  They had a load to deliver to Ft. Lauderdale on Sunday, and since I was teaching down in Boynton Beach, after school I hung around for a little bit and then they pulled into my parking lot!  We got to "convoy" home - stopping in Ft. Pierce so they could scan and fax their load papers and we grabbed some dinner at Denney's.  They are home for a couple of days while Rod has an important appointment.  Since my blog is "public" I can't say more yet - but prayers would certainly be appreciated.  We are hoping and praying for the best possible outcome..... (duh)

Meanwhile, last night we went to a Town Council meeting to discuss the trails behind the house.  The land is EELS (Environmentally Endangered Land), owned by the County, and they have "closed" them to horses and are only open to bikes.  They were also proposing closing some of the trails in the Town's property at the end of my road!  WHAT???  The town emailed me wanting my opinion - so I gave them what I had and then went to the meeting to speak last night.  They tabled the discussion, not wanting to make any decisions yet - but I'm certain they won't close the town trails - too many of us are horse owners in town (although no other horse people showed up at the meeting - we aren't organized like the bike people are...)  I met with the County guy afterward (in the parking lot).  I've met with him a couple of other times over the years (although he says he doesn't remember...) and hopefully we'll be able to work it out.  Kyle and I are out there regularly, trimming the trails and keeping them maintained for the bikes, the horses, and the walkers. 

Rod got to go to lunch with his Dad yesterday.  It was good to spend some time with him. 

I'm SUPER excited to get to spend time with the Arizona contingent in a couple of weeks!   (THANKS AGAIN NANC!!!!!  You are such a dear!)  I have another ticket I have to use before the end of August - I'm thinking I might swing over to SLC sometime this summer????  Soni?  Bean?

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