Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Busy Busy Boys

The boys were busy over the weekend.

All 4 of them.

The Stake had a Family Fall Day
and asked if we could bring our horses.

Every year we have ridden our horses
over to the local park for our church
July 4th picnic.

The horses patiently walk around with little
kids on their backs for hours.
The only rules are:
Kids only
NO wet bathing suits.
(We still have to ride them home...)


We borrowed a friend's nice aluminum trailer.
And then we spent the week practicing loading.
Our horses haven't been in a trailer in about 10 years.

They did pretty well.

When the big day came, we decided to
hedge our bets and give them each a
mouth full of Quietex (valerian root).

I was in Boynton, but Rod texted me
and said they loaded like a dream.

Drove 30 miles up the road to the Stake Center.

CJ waiting for the fun to begin.

Andy ready to roll!

They have some woods next to the parking lot.
Rod and Kyle walked the horses around
a nifty trail they figured out for about an hour.

Then Rod traded off with our friend's daughter,
Carly, and she led CJ for the rest of the time.

Rod led for an hour and then he and our friend,
Linda (she owns the trailer and is Carly's Mom)
loaded kids on and off the horses.

Kyle led Andy for the whole 3 hours!

When they were all done,
Rod said the horses nearly JUMPED in the trailer.

The stake was expecting about 200 people.
They ended up with 500!

The guys figured they did 360 rides.

Everybody got Bute when they got home.
(Well, the horses anyway, the guys got Aleve...)

I was sorry to miss it.

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