Sunday, December 1, 2013


For part of my birthday present
Rod bought all the stuff and promised
to put up a new ballet barre for
me in Jim's room.
(I'm taking it over for my workout room)

I used to workout in the tack room
but it is getting fuller and fuller.
We've been using it for storage.
Plus now we have this great (giant) chest freezer.

But now I have this WONDERFUL ballet barre
for my new T-Tapp workout.
It's called the Debulking Sequence.
Teresa used it in her own 60 day challenge
earlier this year and lost a clothing size!

Teresa lost a size doing this!!!

It has the most fabulous lower back stretch.
I'm excited to give it a try.

And now I have a terrific barre to get started with!

Thanks baby!!!

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