Friday, March 14, 2014

Happy Birthday Nanc!

Today is my awesome sister, Nancy's birthday.
She is one above me on the step ladder.
(And in a gazillion other ways too...)

I won't tell you how old she is.
That would be rude.
it's cuz first I would have to figure
out how old I am,
and it's too early to do that kind of math.

Nancy is strong.
Nancy is kind.
Nancy is dizzy.
(ha ha - I've STILL got that stupid song in my head)

Nancy is athletic!
(This is in Utah)
(in the mountains)
(where there is no oxygen in the air)
(wearing ballet flats)

Nancy is a talented jewelry designer.

And a pretty good photographer of jewelry!
(Along with big sister, Soni)

Nancy LOVES people.

You can generally find her listening intently while
someone else shares.
She loves to hear your story.

But these will ALWAYS be my favorite pictures of her.

She is happy.
She is beautiful.
She is doing YOGA at the beach house!

She is my hero.
And I love her.

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