Monday, December 22, 2014

Mom's Spiced Punch

I was at the health food store the other day.
I love to drink decaf Chai tea.
I mix it with chinese Oolong tea,
almond milk, apple pie spice
and a dash of cayenne.


But a NEW box of tea caught my eye.

The "red" part is Rooibos, which is a
naturally caffeine free tea with all
sorts of wonderful properties.

Rooibos is thought to assist with nervous tension,
allergies and digestive problems.

Two flavonoids found in rooibos, quercetin and luteolin,
have been known to have cancer fighting qualities.
Traditional medicinal uses of rooibos in South Africa include
alleviating infantile colic, allergies, asthma and dermatological problems.

I bought some.

And it sat on my shelf at work for a couple of weeks.

This morning a co-worker wanted to borrow some
Chai since she forgot hers at home.
I offered her some of my regular or said she
could be the guinea pig and try this new stuff.

We brewed up a cup.

Oh my goodness!!!!

We BOTH said
"Mom's Christmas Spiced Punch!!!"
(We are from the same generation)
HER Mom used to keep a pot of it
simmering on the back of HER stove
for when friends stopped by over the
Christmas break too!
(I didn't ask if she ever exploded a glass
coffee decanter thing on the stove though...)

So if you want a quick trip down memory lane
(that tastes REALLY GOOD)
brew up a cup!

Merry Sipping!

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