Thursday, January 28, 2016

30 Years????

Ok, I know that Challenger
was a long time ago.

I was at work at E. F. Hutton.
And when I mention that, my younger
students don't cock an ear,
they say "WHO?"

We were in a glass building with huge floor
to ceiling windows.
The manager had a corner office
with these giant windows.
So we were all mushed into his office
to watch the shuttle launch.

Normally we go outside to watch.
But it was COLD that morning.

I was standing next to a new broker
who had just moved down to Florida
from New York, so this was his
first launch.

When the explosion occurred he said
"Wow!  That's BEAUTIFUL!  How
come it doesn't look like that when
they show it on TV?"

So many of my friends, family members,
co-workers, clients, etc worked on
the shuttle program.

It was devastating to our community.

We will always remember those pioneers
who, just like in days of old, head
out to the unknown to expand our horizons.
Sometimes they come back with stories
of wonder and awe.

And sometimes they don't come back.

They are missed.
And we honor their memories.

Shine on Challenger.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

great post Collette!