Friday, February 5, 2016

Curds and Whey

Someone today was asking me for a recipe for Poutine.
I gather all Canadians eat it.

I never did.

Although I consider fries and gravy
to be fine dining.
(Especially KFC gravy over McD fries.)
(Tastes best while sitting in the park,
skipping 2nd period English)
(I know...)

Of course, the fries and gravy served
in the Wisewood cafeteria right after
seminary were pretty amazing too!


That got me thinking about eating curds.

Which reminded me of a memory
from waaaaaaaay back.
(yup, even further than high school!)

I'm pretty sure it was the year I was in grade 2.
Or maybe a little later...
Marlys was our piano teacher.
Anyhow, we were at their farm.
While there we took a trip over to Glenwood
to the cheese factory.

I remember being fascinated watching them
make the curds and whey in these giant
square, shallow metal vats.
All that milk just sitting there heating up.
And somebody running a rake thing through 
it constantly breaking up the curds.

And then going into the cold room
and seeing all the giant wheels of cheese.

Glenwood cheese.
The best cheddar!

To finish up the trip we all got a bowl
of "curds and whey".

I don't remember what it tasted like.
All I remember is being nervous.

I couldn't really enjoy the treat.
I was on the look out for the spider.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

that is too funny! But I have acquired a taste for "Poutine". tried it for the first time in Calgary on a visit to a farmers market. They have a great place here in Tucson now called US Fries which has a great selection! So I highly recommend the combo of fries, gravy AND cheese curds! (although like you, I grew up with just the awesomeness of straight fries and gravy! the best being at HHW and A&W lol.