Tuesday, September 27, 2016

What corner is that?

Thanks Rozie for once again
providing fodder for my blog.
(fodder = photos...)

She put some pictures on her blog.
And I was really thrown.

I lived in this house for the bulk of
my first 17 years.

And I could NOT identify this corner!

It had to look at it again this morning.
And then I noticed the wood wall
on the right side and it all came together.

This is the Christmas Tree corner!
(Until Mom moved her piano there...)

Before there was a swag lamp hanging there.
Before there was a piano sitting there.
(Before there were boxes sitting there...lol)
We used to stand our Christmas tree in that corner.
We spent many many evenings laying
on the floor, squinting to make the lights
soft and fuzzy,
listening to Christmas music on the stereo
just laying there, loving the Christmas season.

Somewhere out there, is an awesome
picture of Dad snoozing under the tree.
"Somebody" (ahem) (NOT me!) (for REALS)
 piled up a bunch
of wrapped packages under his free
hand so it looked like he was claiming
his pile and just waiting for it to be
declared MORNING!

I will always remember the year I "arrived".
Dad and I went to pick out the family tree together.
And in a Father-Of-The-Year moment
he let ME pick out the tree.
Not only did he let me pick it out,
when the lot guy came over and asked if we were
sure it was the one we wanted, he said
"This is the one my daughter wants, so this
is the one we are going to take."

I felt like such a responsible adult!
*I might have been all of 8...

Thanks Dad!

We weren't a "throw the tinsel on the tree" family.
First of all, it was called icicles, not tinsel!
Mom had us carefully remove it strand by strand
each year and layered the strands carefully in a
piece of paper towel for preservation until next year.
This was back in the day when tinsel wasn't
silver tinted plastic.  It was the REAL DEAL.
(And for a little family with one salary and 4 little girls,
it was probably ridiculously expensive...)
Each year we would place the balls on the tree
and then you would walk back over to Mom 
and she would give you ONE strand of "icicle"
and you would carefully drape it over a limb.
Making sure it didn't come in contact with a light.
Or drape over a ball.
Or crumple on another limb.
But hang gracefully as though the angels themselves
had covered the tree in icicles.
Our trees were pieces of ART!
(But only if you remember they were decorated
by said 4 little girls and later assisted by one 
little rambunctious boy!)

I could go on waxing poetic,
but I have to get back to work.

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