Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Today's the Day!

Today is the day the Parental Units
take possession of their new HOME!


And to add to the excitement, the
Tour de Tucson
passes right up their main street,
so although that might make things
difficult on Saturday,
if they get everything done Friday
*as planned (hahahahaha)
Saturday could see them on the side
of the road cheering for all those
folks racing for the gold!

Meanwhile, on our home front,
things are cruising along smoothly.
We have tithing settlement tonight.
I'm teaching again this weekend.
Rod's arm is looking better.
*considering it looks awful...
The Dr took a HUGE hunk out of his arm
so there are LOTS and LOTS of stitches
and a nice little pucker at the top.
Mom would have made me rip it out
and start over if MY sewing had
looked like that.

But I guess you work with what you
have to work with.

He gets his stitches out tomorrow.
And then maybe it will look better.
For now it's pretty angry red.
But it isn't causing him much discomfort,
so that's good.

Speaking of discomfort...
we are having a bunch of people over
for Thanksgiving dinner this year.

RAMP UP my level of discomfort!!!!!
They are all good friends,
and we will have a good time.
But entertaining was a gene I wasn't 
standing in the correct line to receive.
Not sure HOW I'm related to the rest
of my family that rolls out the red carpet
at the drop of a hat without blinking an eye.

Thank goodness ROD has that gene.
I'm going out of town this weekend and
leaving it all up to him.

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