Monday, December 5, 2016

Late to the Party (as usual)

You probably already know this.
I've known it for a long time.
But I've never tried it.

I don't often make things with shredded chicken.

But tonight we are having the missionaries
over for dinner again.
One of our favorites is leaving tomorrow
to go back to Idaho.
We invited them over and asked them
what they wanted...
And he requested chicken enchilladas.

I've never made those before.
Obviously, I've never SPELLED that before.

But I have seen a THM recipe around
for about a year that everybody raves about.
So I said sure, and pulled out my
trusty iPad.
(It's on her blog)

I knew it would take quite a while to 
cook the chicken,
shred the chicken,
make the sauce,
assemble the enchiladas,
and then bake the thing.
So I did everything except bake them

I used my Pressure Cooker (my old one,
I haven't opened my new one yet...)
and did up a big package of 
skinless, boneless chicken breasts.
It was fast,
and they were SUPER tender!
(Bonus!  I got about a quart of chicken broth!)

Then I put them in my
regular mix master
(since I don't have a KitchenAid)
(which has been my excuse for not trying this sooner...)

(Yup, that's Rod in the background.)
(And we still have the giant map on the wall
showing all the places the guys made deliveries)
We could take it down since nobody
is driving anymore,
but honestly the missionaries get a kick
out of pointing out where they live.

Back to the chicken.

I stuck it all in the bowl
and turned it on.

It literally took less than 30 seconds.
I let it run longer because it was FUN!
But it was done earlier.

This would have taken me forever
with 2 forks.
Well, to be perfectly honest,
I wouldn't have done it.
Which is why I never make recipes
with shredded chicken.
Shredding sounds like a pain in the neck.

But this is EASY!
And FUN!

Took longer to wash my bowl
than it did to shred my chicken!

(But I had to wash my bowl, cuz I used
it again to make a yummy THM friendly
chocolate cake...)

(unless you've already been doing it for years
and you are sitting there snickering at my silliness...)

1 comment:

rktucson said...

never tried it but now I'm gonna for sure!!