Wednesday, January 11, 2017


That darn bobcat!

Rod was pretty sure it was next door.
When he let the dogs out,
Shadow raced to the fence, barking.
But Rod didn't see anything.
(The grass is REALLY tall.)

After walking around out there for awhile
and feeding the cows,
he headed inside to feed the dogs 
and get ready to go Home Teaching.

It was a lovely evening
after a COLD weekend.
So I was sitting quietly in a chair
at the back of the barn
waiting for the horses to finish eating.

When suddenly the bobcat
exploded over the fence
grabbed a chicken with a flurry of feathers
and squawking.
I yelled.
The cat leaped for the fence.
But MISSED making it over the top.
Dropped the chicken.
(Who RAN)
The bobcat leaped onto the top of a fence post
and sat there making angry eyes at me.
As I walked closer,
it hopped down to the other side
of the fence and then just sat there,
tail twitching angrily.

I called Rod on my cell phone to bring his rifle.

But about that time, Sir, the guard steer
noticed the bobcat.

He came SCREAMING across the pasture
at full tilt with his head lowered and his
horns ready to do battle.
The cat isn't THAT brave,
so it took off.

Unfortunately, I found the chicken
hiding in some tall weeds up by the barn.
The cat had done some severe damage.
Puncturing it's lunge and leaving it
in some significant pain.
So I had to dispatch it.
I briefly thought about butchering it out,
but who knows what sort of germs
the bobcat has in its saliva.
So once it was dead, 
over the fence it went.

Tonight we are mowing the grass.
(It's on the neighbor's property, but her retina
detached and although she keeps promising
to mow it, I think she's worried about hurting 
her eye - TOTALLY understandable...)
So Rod will mow the grass.
And then he will teach me to shoot the pistol.
I doubt I can handle the rifle.
And I'm not willing to carry it around
all the time like he does.
(it's heavy)
But I'm ok with wearing a pistol on my belt.
Especially since this one has a laser site
and would help me actually hit what I'm aiming at.

He is getting braver
and bolder
and fatter.

His days are numbered.
(I hope)

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