Friday, February 17, 2017

Nom Nom Nom

Our horses are messy eaters.
And wasteful.

The other day, Rod lucked on
some big blue barrels
which used to hold food grade aloe.
For a ridiculously low price.
(The barrels, not the aloe...)

So he purchased THREE of them!
And proceeded to re-purpose them.

(We did NOT invent this idea...
Reid and Nancy's horses have been
dining from these for years!)

I had a real hard time taking these pictures.
If you look just above CJ,
the sun was going down and the sunset
wanted to take over EVERY picture.
Which is why there is a LOT of dirt in 
this picture.

Notice, Buddy is eating hay in the
very back of this picture.
Buddy doesn't normally EAT hay!
But yesterday he was!

CJ had some trouble with the concept
at first.  He pulled all the hay out
and then ate it off the ground.
He is getting better.
But is still messy.

Andy came by for a visit.

No, this is NOT a treat.

The boys (and the chickens) are
loving their new hay troughs.

Thanks again Rod for taking such
good care of all of us!
We love you!

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