This is where I spend my weekends.
That podium up front is where I sometimes sit.
(although usually I do the "caged tiger" thing
back and forth, back and forth, across the
front of the room...)
This is MY view.
(Insert students... lol)
Generally I have between 12 and 18 students.
This weekend, however, they went NUTS
and registered 80 students!!!!
Which is why I was in an empty classroom
for an hour Friday evening, setting out
books at each of the 40 chairs I had available.
And why I spent the night hoping and praying
that at least half of them would chose to
sleep in on a rainy, stormy, yucky Saturday.
I was THRILLED to top out at 38 students.
And now I'm exhausted.
Luckily Rod mentioned something about
how long it's going to take to grade
next week's final exam and I realized
I only have 25 final exam booklets!!!!
Xerox to the rescue!
Yikes, 38 students? That's a huge class! But, I'm sure you handled it superbly! :)
Yeah, thanks for the vote of confidence, but not so much... LOL I ended up testing 27 (new rule, if you don't complete your hours, you don't even get to TRY the final exam... I had a bunch who got sick, had work schedule conflicts, etc etc etc...) Out of 27, I passed... wait for it... NINE. Sigh. (In my defense, all but 2 of the ones who failed are Haitian and don't have a great handle on the English language - they did well answering oral questions, but reading the test was too much for them. But they'll get it... if they don't give up.) (Either way - somebody else's problem.)
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