Thursday, April 13, 2017

Name That Puppy

I caved.

We now have an inside the house dog.
And she is "mine".
(although she LOVES Rod...)

She is a mini Austin Shepherd.

Bandit and Shadow wrestle 24/7.
So Shadow wants to wrestle with her too,
but the puppy doesn't understand that.
So far mostly they just run REALLY fast
and the big dogs chase her until
she quits and lays down.
But she's not afraid, she just loves to run.
(Although with no tail, it's hard to tell how 
she is feeling...)

They run and run and run and then
the puppy just turns and either lays down
or turns and faces them like, OK, now what???


(I got interrupted for a bit there... 
you know... WORK?
I know, really, HOW RUDE!)

I'm kind of thinking Roxie.
(or Ginger, but I like Roxie better...)

Or other ideas????

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Personally? I like Roxie! LoL
She's REALLY cute!