Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Goodness Gracious!

The rats are taking over the zoo.

Kyle and I were out by the barn,
enjoying the soft evening breeze
as the sun was slowly going down.

And suddenly we saw a HUGE rat
running along the top rail of one
of the horse stalls.

Kyle headed into the house and 
grabbed a shot gun.

However, since the rats are in our barn,
and a shotgun has a BIG shot pattern,
he sent me back into the house
for his .22.

(I got another shot gun first, I thought
the .22 was the gun behind the door...)

(while he was waiting he saw SIX!)

Once he got the right gun,
we discovered one of their hiding places
and started shooting.
A couple got away.
(those little guys are FAST!)
One got ... got.

(And only a couple of small holes
in the barn wall...)

Then after dark,
when all the chickens had gone to bed,
he sat in wait by the leftover chicken feed.

This time he used the shot gun,
since he wasn't aiming at my barn.

And was rewarded with a GIANT rat
the size of a small rabbit.
He honestly thought it was a baby possum!
(We aren't big fans of possums, since they
carry a disease that is fatal to horses...)

(And took out half the feed trough. Oops)

Today I am taking delivery of another of
the electric rat zappers.
Our other one died.

And on a blog the other day I read that
rats LOVE cherry flavored Starburst.
So I have a bag all ready for them.

Wish us luck!