I found a new podcast to listen to.
(And so of course they decided to take the
summer off and haven't started up again yet...)
It's a couple of LDS women from Utah.
Their blog is
they have lots of really good crockpot
recipes, but then they bought pressure cookers
and now they have lots of great
recipes for the pressure cooker.
But going through their archives, I found
these podcasts.
The first one I listened to was an interview
with Heather, the LDS woman who was
on The Biggest Loser 10 years ago
(season 3).
I've never watched the show,
but thought it might be interesting to get
a peak "behind the scenes".
It was really good.
So I listened to another one.
And another one.
And that's what I'll be doing today while I'm
posting money - they had 43 of them
when they stopped for the summer.
One they did recently was "tailwinds".
They are both pretty active.
One is a school teacher, the other sounds
like she might be a stay at home Mom,
but both have older children, it's not a
"Mommy" blog.
They both workout, run, ride bikes, etc.
So they were talking about how you go
out for a ride or a run and the wind is
blowing in your face and it makes it SO HARD
to move forward.
And then you turn and now the wind is behind
you and it's like you are FLYING.
And you think Whew!
And then you forget the wind is pushing you
and at the end of the run you think
"Wow, I'm really improving - this was a GREAT run!"
So the theme was watching for those tailwinds.
The little pushes that smooth the road
for you and make things easier.
Anything from a vacuum cleaner and dishwasher
so you don't have to beat your carpets clean
and carry your dirty dishes down to the creek
to wash them (or carry water UP), to
just the little day-to-day blessings we aren't
even really aware of.
This morning I was thinking about it on my
horrendous drive to work.
(With our new office, I have to drive the highway
every morning and every evening and
OH MY GOODNESS! There are some really
aggressive, crazy, impatient, FAST drivers out there!)
I was kind of blending the tailwind idea with
the sweepers in curling.
The tailwind is behind you pushing just a little,
while the sweepers are out in front
clearing the path.
More than just living in modern times and all
the advances and conveniences we have...
The day to day blessings we benefit from.
Getting to and from work safely each day.
The rain we have benefited from this summer
allowing the cows to eat grass and only need a
little grain (half their usual ration) and no hay
while I'm waiting
for these SLOW chickens to start laying.
(And the fact they are FINALLY starting... but still
not up to full production. COME ON GIRLS!)
(The chickens pay for the horse / cow feed as well...)
There are so many little daily things we don't
"see" and take for granted.
Even just a rainbow off in the distance
that puts a smile on your face and helps to
start your day off on a happy note.
These are GOOD things to notice!