Last night Kyle and I went out to
harvest some of the muscadine grapes
that are finally ripe.
We got FIVE POUNDS!!!!
(That includes seeds, etc...)
Tonight we are going to try
our hands at making
muscadine jelly.
![]() |
The bucket weighs .75 on its own & our scale isn't super accurate... lol |
(he is using sugar, I am
using xylitol - a sugar alchohol
that measures 1 : 1 to sugar
but is SUPER poison for dogs
so I don't use it in my daily cooking)
Aren't they beautiful?
Each basket is just about 2.5 pounds.
We are excited to give it a try!
Meanwhile, I put a couple of our own
beef short ribs in the pressure cooker
for dinner.
Sauted them up in some bacon fat
(rendered from the bacon I baked on Saturday...)
They were delicious!
I figured the guys would be hungry after a day
outside at cow camp.
More about camp later in the week...
but day 1 went well.
While we were harvesting grapes,
the mosquitoes were harvesting ME!
I got eaten alive!!!!
Bountiful Balm to the rescue!
This was in the pack of yumminess
Rozann and Nancy sent me for my
birthday last year.
I haven't used it much, since (knock wood)
I haven't had many boo boos this year.
I keep it in the bathroom for when I feel
a cold sore coming on.
It seems to significantly shorten the time
and it never gets to the big puffy, scabby,
seriously ugly stage.
But last night I liberally applied it to all
the millions of big, puffy, angry, red, ITCHY
mosquito bites all over my calves.
They immediately stopped itching.
And then I forgot about them.
This morning there aren't even any dots
on my legs where I got bitten!
This is my new favorite stuff!!!!!!!
(It has plaintain and St Johns Wort among
other awesome stuff in it...)
From the website...
Infused Olive Oil, Beeswax, Calendula, Plantain, Goldenseal, St. John’s Wort, Myrrh Gum, Tea Tree Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Safflower Seed Oil, Vitamin E Oil
Suggested uses:
– Insect Bites
– Bee Stings
– Cuts
– Sores
– Burns
– Eczema
– Dry Skin
– Rough Heels
– Cracked Hands
– All-Natural
– Antibacterial
– Cloth Diaper Safe
– Non-Staining
– Non-comedogenic
I wish I'd brought it with me though.
I discovered a bite on my neck
that is now driving me CRAZY!
(I'm pretty sure there's a mosquito in my car...)
(aaaaaaah, summer.)
1 comment:
ok I gotta get me some of THAT!! (bountiful balm)
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