Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Happy Birthday to My Mom!!!!

Today is the day we get to celebrate
the birth of my amazing Mom.

We've had some health scares.
We've had major relocations.
We've had changes and modifications
and ... well ... life.

But through it all, we've had Mom.

(Sorry Mom, I know you tried
and tried and tried to get us to
call you Mother.  But it just never stuck.)
(Take heart, we didn't call you MUM!  LOL)

You (and Dad) devoted your entire life
to raising a house FULL of responsible,
loving, independent, respectful,
loving, (did I say that already?)
spiritual, family oriented,
amazing adults.

I have to say,
you are 5 for 5.

That is quite an accomplishment.
There were some rough patches.
Isn't that what life is all about?
By your fruits, they shall know you.
And your fruits are pretty amazing.

But enough about us.

Sadly, your job is never done.
We continue to look to you as an example
of how to live a gracious, loving,
thoughtful and kind life.

We look to you to see a successful,
loving, respectful, eternal marriage.

We look to you to see a thoughtful,
kind, sharing neighbor (especially as
you move to a new neighborhood
where you are cultivating new lasting

We look to you to see a valuable
member of a team keeping the Lord's
House open and working efficiently 
for His work to be done.

We look to you to see a loving and
well loved Grandma who supports,
loves, encourages her grandchildren
in all that they do.

We look to you to see someone who 
has never taken a knock and given up.

We look to you to see someone who
has never seen someone else take a knock
and not reached out a hand to lift them up.

We look to you to see who we strive
to be each and every day.

We look to you.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

what an adorable couple!! and a great tribute!