Monday, December 18, 2017

Story Worth

I've really gotten lax on the Story Worth posts.
This week the prompt was
What simple pleasure do you truly enjoy?

My entire life is simple pleasures
and I truly enjoy all of them.

Sleeping in!
What a luxury!

Getting to spend time with each
of my animals each morning as I
greet them and feed them their breakfast.

Not the chickens so much,
but I do take a moment to wish them
a good morning and give them a gentle
reminder to LAY AN EGG TODAY!

I have been getting over a bad cold
and I finally can take a full breath of air
without feeling like I have a puppy
laying on my chest.
So I went out to my patio and
did a quick 15 minute workout.
What a treat!
I feel so much better when I stretch
and twist and bend my body.

Next I get to walk out to my barn and
send the horses out to the pasture to eat
their hay and munch on the winter grass.
Each one gets a gentle pat or rub as he
walks by - sometimes they even rub back.

And then it's into the garage to let the
dogs out of their crates *they get in 
for feeding and sleeping*
and sending them to the dog yard for the day.
There is NOTHING gentle or serene about
THAT process.
They all run and jump and nip each other
(and sometimes forget I'm not one of them)
so it's quite the rowdy chaotic scene.
But I still enjoy it.

And then in for a shower.
And a breakfast.
This morning I'm thinking I'll have
a protein drink with some baobab powder
(got to keep that Vitamin C strong in my body)
and maybe I'll whip up a couple of 
pieces of french toast using
egg whites and sprouted wheat bread
and LOTS of vanilla and cinnamon.
That sounds YUMMY!
Especially after a weekend of
McDonalds sausage burritos.

I take Mondays pretty easy, especially
after my LONG weekend.
I didn't finish with students until 9:30 
last night and then there was still the
drive back up the highway to get to home.
I had a nice new book to listen to though
so the drive went quickly.
I even sat at the gate for a minute or two
because I couldn't bear to turn off the story
right at that point!
(David Baldacci The Finisher - SciFi Fantasy)

So today I'll sweep the floors,
tidy the kitchen,
do a load or two of laundry,
but I'll save the bathrooms and dusting
and all that good stuff until tomorrow.
I also need to do some grocery shopping,
but we might be able to make it another day.

Sitting in my yard reading a book.
Plugging in the Christmas tree and 
enjoying the lights.
Just SMELLING the tree.
I swear this year's tree is the most piney
smelling tree we have ever gotten!

Puttering around in my kitchen,
trying new things to feed my family,
even standing at the sink washing eggs.

I honestly believe you find joy and pleasure
wherever you look for it.
But you have to be looking for it.
Or life just passes you by and you never
take the opportunity to notice what a
wonderfully, blessed life we lead.

It's true what they say.

And smell the roses.
(or the Christmas tree)

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

David B... one of my all time favorite authors! I've read pretty much EVERYTHING he's ever written! (listened to) LoL