Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!!!

In keeping with our non-traditional,
some might say party pooper
(but that "some" NOT being me)
style of holiday observance,
we kept it low key last night.

It sounded like we were in the
middle of an active war zone.
There were mortars and fireworks
going off all around us.

I didn't go look,
it was dark out, (duh)
but I'm pretty sure the cows
for sure, and possibly the horses
were less than impressed.

We'll find out how the chickens
felt about it all when we collect
the eggs (egg?) today.

Kyle brought out the new telescope
and got a good view of the
final full moon of the year.
That thing was so BRIGHT
it nearly blinded me to look at it 
through the telescope.
Kyle tried to take some pictures,
but they didn't turn out as well
as he was hoping.

We headed off to bed at 11:45.
Not that we couldn't stay awake for
another 15 minutes,
it's just that my movie ended.
I DID watch the ball drop on the 
bedroom TV.
(Rod was asleep...)

Today we are ringing in the New Year.

Kyle is watching a Psych marathon on Amazon
in his bedroom.
Rod is repairing the leaking toilet in our
master bathroom.
I am making a german pancake for Rod's
breakfast this week, a yummy cranberry pie
(tastes like cranberry shortbread...)
and just made a big pot of soup for lunch.

All while watching the Rose Parade on TV.
With the living room reconfigured,
I can actually SEE the TV while I'm in
the kitchen!  (But right now I'm sitting
on the couch... can't WAIT until the
NEW couch arrives so we can sit on it...
this one isn't very comfortable anymore.)

I promise pictures will come.

Welcome 2018!!!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Happy New Year! Can't wait to read all your new 2018 posts! I'll try to post once in a while! :)
I did post today - a year at a glance! ha ha