Sunday, April 29, 2018

A Quick Thought

I'm sitting here at the front of the room.
Full of hopeful "young" folks
preparing to take my class final.

We've covered all the material.
We've laughed.
We've shared.
We've learned.
We've talked about EVERYTHING
insurance related and not... (grin)

I'm READY to be done.
And so are they.
But we wait as the clock runs out
to 6:50 before we can begin.

I just want to eat my Subway
sandwich hiding in my office
at my desk.

Instead, I'm playing on my blog.

Hopefully all of YOU are having 
a satisfying, uplifting, encouraging
and successfully restful Sunday.

I'm shooting for Monday.

Friday, April 27, 2018


Yesterday I decided to check the state
of "my" trail that goes from our
back pasture out to the preserve.

We haven't been out that way
in quite a while...
I expected they would be in 
pretty poor shape.

They were actually better than
I thought they might be.
Thanks to the wild pigs
and the neighbor's cows
who insist on coming to the
grass on the other side of our
property to graze.

They actually have a nice little
trail system going!

Not tall enough for a person
on the back of a horse...
but the ground work was
mostly done.

I did some trimming for about an hour
and then some exploring for another
15 minutes or so and then
headed back to our property since
Rod was due to come home soon.

This is mid-point on the trail,
looking west towards the preserve.
This is the part of the trail that
has ALWAYS been really overgrown.
It still needs work...

And this is from the same point looking east
towards our property.
Doesn't this just look like a trail that
NEEDS to be followed????

I found a little friend.
He wasn't as happy to see me....
Did you know gopher tortoises HISS?
Yup, they do.
Scares the living daylights out of our horses.

There are a couple of trees that will
require the help of a chain saw weilding
person of the male persuasion.
But for the most part its ready for riding!

(The farrier came this week and the
boys all got pedicures... so they are
ready to go play in the woods with me!)

Friday, April 20, 2018

Not Beau's Fault (for once)

Beau really really enjoys
chasing chickens.
And if he catches them...
it's not good.

But this little bird 
wasn't his fault.

It wasn't there the night before,
but in the morning when I 
went out to feed and release
the chickens
(sounds like "Release the Cracken!")
there he was.

I think maybe he fell out of the
oak tree?

Who knows.

Poor little guy.

He wasn't as lucky as the hummingbird.

Luckily that little guy just got a
knock on the noggin and
got up again.

Lucky little bird.
You know what Rozann says...
If you rough house, you're gonna get hurt!


Thursday, April 19, 2018


I have all these canisters with good stuff
in them. And I know what it all is.
But the others in my house are often 
confused as to what is what.

So they stick to the chocolate whey powder,
cuz it's pretty obvious.
And delicious.

Today I decided to take the bull
by the horns.
So to speak.

Aren't they cute?
There are 2 crossed spoons on the top,
then the ingredient name, a blue line (that was supposed to be green)
and a bunch of random spoons.

Now the guys will know what they are
looking at!

I also use a bunch of different kinds of rice,
so I made some labels for my mason
jars I use to keep those in as well.

And I made labels for some of the other
strange stuff I use, but haven't committed
to putting in jars yet...
I needed 18 different things for the sheet
of labels, so I made one for everything
and then put them away in case I
decide to get stuff out of my pantry
and display it on my shelf.

It was fun!
And they look nice.
And Rod will be happy.


Wednesday, April 18, 2018


I didn't think my little hibiscus
would survive.
I don't have a GREAT track record
with plants... might have to do
with my black thumb.

You be the judge...

This little yellow guy has SIX flowers!
Some are a vibrant yellow and
some are a pale yellow
but all have a beautiful red center.

This guy was a TOTAL surprise!
You don't get the full effect,
it's almost white with little pink
stripes running through the petals.
A beautiful flower!
(Good thing, cuz there's only ONE)

I didn't really expect anything out of
this guy for a couple more days,
but when I got home from the store,
he surprised me with a pretty pink flower.

They all look healthy and happy!

And, of course, my little gardenia.
Hang in there little guy!

And thrived!
So far...

Monday, April 16, 2018


As Rod so gently reminded me yesterday,

It's been a busy couple of days.
Like it always is when you return
from a vacation.
Then you have to catch up all the 
stuff you didn't do while away.

But I'm caught up now.

So let's take a look at my photos and
see what we all missed, shall we?

I bought a new purse!
It was so nice using Nancy's little
red purse, I missed it!
This one is a little larger
and certainly NOT red.
But I like it so far...

And then on Saturday, Kyle and I
got a wild hair.  Rod was taking a 
VERY well deserved nap on the couch.

So we went to Lowes.
Sat in their comfy chairs in the a/c
and discussed our wild hairs.

And this is what resulted.

We had three bottle brush trees that
the previous home owner planted.
I kept hoping they would DO something.
But 13 years later they are still
scraggly, pathetic and just ugly.

So Kyle chained them up and
pulled them out.
Tractors are the BEST TOYS!

This one had a root on it that went
nearly all the way to the ditch!
6 feet of tree and 40 feet of root!
No wonder the tree never did anything.
All the energy was going to that root!

Loaded them up and took them to the street.
(See! I told you I didn't take our Christmas
lights down last year... or the year before...)

And then we planted four pretty little
Hibiscus bushes.
They are pink, red, pink, yellow(ish).
All have LOTS of buds.
I'm looking forward
to having something pretty along the drive
in the coming weeks / months / years.

They are small now,
but they grow fairly quickly,
Especially since I'm watering them.
And going to put some fertilizer on them.
If I remember to buy some.
Otherwise I'll just go to the pasture
and get some "natural" stuff...

It looks better already!
(And a new gardenia bush, but its inside
the fence and I forgot to take a picture of it...)

Yesterday was a nice, relaxing Sabbath.
And this morning I'm continuing the trend
by following my eating plan (started a new
2 week no cheat challenge yesterday and
so far I'm 100%!)
(And down a pound)

Also started my annual T-Tapp 60 Day Challenge
on Sunday which only meant taking pictures.
This morning I entered all my 
measurements (which are DOWN from
the ones I did 60 days ago on 2/15/18!)
uploaded my photos (ick)
and did a 27 minute workout that
focuses on healthy hormones and menopause
management. Which is what I need.
I'll do that one for the next 4 days
and then we'll see.  I have LOTS to 
chose from. Sometimes sticking to the same
one is what I want, and sometimes I need 
lots of variety to stay on the band wagon.

Considering I've done approximately 14 
workouts in the past 12 months, I haven't
landed on the right combination yet...

Wish me LUCK!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Tucson 2018

I'm having a wonderful time
visiting here in Tucson.

We are busy everyday.
But when I look back at the end of the day
I'm not sure exactly what we have done.

Lots of driving around,
Lots of errands.
But also lots of eating,
looking at pictures,
seeing bits of Tucson.

It's fun to have mountains on the horizon.

And fun, rolling roads to drive on.

We've visited with lots of different
branches of the family.

Now that Sondra and Gary are gone,
the frantic "must do something every minute"
pace has slowed significantly.
But the amount of food consumed
seems to be pretty constant.

I even got a picture of a monkey
playing with his antique wrench.

Unfortunately, Rozann and Greg have
been pretty sick almost the whole time!
I feel so badly for them!

We've gotten to spend a little time
with them, but mostly from a distance.

I'm still here for almost another week,
so there is hope they will be better
soon and we can catch up!

today Mom has a "procedure"
for her heart at the hospital this morning.
Nancy and I are heading out soon to pick
up her "Thursday Bagels" to take to her
chemo patients at the foundation,
and then back here to get Mom and Dad
and take them over to the hospital.

And then it's up in the air.
We have LOTS of different options,
we'll just see what we feel like doing
at that point.

But regardless,
it has been VERY relaxing.
(Except for this EXACT second!)
There is a red headed woodpecker that
hammers on the metal air conditioner EVERY
morning about this time and it scares the
socks off me every. single. time.!
He's done now.