Friday, April 20, 2018

Not Beau's Fault (for once)

Beau really really enjoys
chasing chickens.
And if he catches them...
it's not good.

But this little bird 
wasn't his fault.

It wasn't there the night before,
but in the morning when I 
went out to feed and release
the chickens
(sounds like "Release the Cracken!")
there he was.

I think maybe he fell out of the
oak tree?

Who knows.

Poor little guy.

He wasn't as lucky as the hummingbird.

Luckily that little guy just got a
knock on the noggin and
got up again.

Lucky little bird.
You know what Rozann says...
If you rough house, you're gonna get hurt!


1 comment:

rktucson said...

That's what I say alright!