The girls are still not producing like they should.
So we have begun the "weeding out" process.
Last night I snatched 4 girls off their roost
(easier to catch that way)
and put one each in isolation
in the old rabbit hutches.
You've got 24 hours.
Lay, or freezer camp.
Your choice...
So far... no eggs.
Meanwhile, I had an order for
46 new chicks coming,
since the writing is on the wall
for these girls.
But then Rod and I re-evaluated
and decided maybe our egg selling
days are at an end.
The neighbor is transitioning over to
being a bamboo farm over the next
two years, so we knew we were nearly done,
but we decided with Kyle leaving
(he's my backup when I'm gone)
and me being gone a LOT here in
the near future (I'll be out of town
EVERY weekend until mid-September
and then gone again the last 2...)
maybe we should just get out now.
I called the chicken people and changed
my order from 46 hard layers
to 15 (minimum order) of a breed that
will lay every couple of days,
but continue to lay for 5 to 6 years.
We'll give a couple to Kyle
so he can have eggs,
and keep the rest for us.
That will give us enough eggs for
us to eat, and also to give away
to the missionaries and a few
folks in the ward we like to help out.
The chicken people were really nice
and super helpful.
Happy to change my order.
And they arrived today!
Baby chicks are so stinkin' cute!
They were happy to check out the
water and feed.
And now they are all napping.
I have a chicken who has been faithfully
sitting on a nest for several weeks.
I grabbed her and put her in with
the chicks, hoping she would think they
all just hatched!
Look! Babies!
She freaked out and pecked one on the head.
So I kicked her out.
They'll just have to be motherless.
But since it's WICKED hot,
they won't need a heat lamp.
We have 6 New Hampshires.
A large red chicken that lays well for many years.
And 9 "True Blues" who also lay well
for many years, but they lay a blue egg.
And who doesn't love a blue egg?
I told Brock today that I was winding down
and wouldn't be bringing eggs after next week.
He lost 25 chickens to coyotes over the
past week or two,
so he's actually thinking about being
done and just ordering his eggs
from a supplier from now on.
I'm sorry the coyotes are eating his chickens.
But I'm glad the coyotes are eating HIS chickens!
I guess my girls will have to stay in their yard.
Of course once I whittle the flock down
to the 2 dozen who are still laying,
that will be easy.
And when the new babies come on board
(around Thanksgiving)
the old ones will go and we'll just
have our little family only flock.
End of an Era.
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