Friday, November 30, 2018


We put up our Christmas tree Sunday after church.
Got a really nice one from Sams!
Who knew!

It is a Douglas Fir.

Pretty, isn't it?

Since we bought new furniture last Christmas
and turned the room around,
this year it fits perfectly in the corner
between the TV and the fireplace.

Even looks nice when it's not lit up.

We didn't put any glass balls around the bottom.
Because... Beau.

The first couple of days I caught him
DRINKING the water.
Silly dog.

See that little bunch of branches
really low and in the front?

If you look closely below it you will see
some little needles on the skirt.

I have now caught Beau TWICE
CHEWING on that branch!

Really Beau?
I know you love sticks, but this is NOT a stick!
(Well, ok, technically it is... but whatever...)


Monday, November 26, 2018

What If You Could....

I have a bracelet I wear.
It's a stainless steel cuff.
Engraved on it are the words
"What if you could?"

It's a "Trim Healthy" thing.

But it has helped me be brave enough
to try several new things.
Things I normally would shy away from.

And today was a BIG one.

Kyle had a quick job he was hired to do
for a friend of a friend.
Needed to clean up a job site.
The people that did the original clearing
for this new house build did a horrible job.
So they paid Kyle to come in and fix it.

It required his Cat and a dump truck.

He was going to have to load his Cat,
drive it to the job site, then unhook
the trailer and drive back across town
to Linda's to get the dump truck,
drive that back across town to the job site,
do the work and then drive everything
across town again.

He called a friend to see if he could help,
but Marcus was already on another
job site helping another friend.

So he asked if I would help.

Drive the dump truck.

I have never driven a big ... anything.

Ok, I take that back.
I did drive the fire truck.
In 1982.
And I backed it over the parking bollard
and my brother-in-law, Tim, had to fix it.


What if I could????

(I was outside, sans makeup, sitting in the sun,
doing my daily scripture study when Kyle asked...)

It's a cute, baby blue dump truck.

It's kind of old.

But it gets the job done!

And Kyle drives it WAY better than I do.

But I got it safely to the job site and
back to our house with a load of dirt in it.

And nobody died.

What if you could?????


Friday, November 23, 2018

R I P Fred

Fred was our main rooster.

We raised him from an egg.

But he has gotten long in the ... beak.

And our newer rooster, George, decided today
that it was time for a changing of the guard.

He chased him and chased him and chased him,
running him into corners and beating him up
until we rescued him,
and then it started all over again.

Finally George went to the coop to go to bed
and Fred wandered off to the back pasture.

Where he met his end.

I know it's the natural order of things,
but I didn't want George to hurt him
badly enough that he just slowly died.

So we dispatched him.
*I needed Kyle's help.
I'm still not very accurate with my .22.

You were a good rooster, Fred.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving - Need a Turkey?

Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!

Anybody still need a turkey?

Wild turkeys.
LOTS of them.
They were hanging out next door.

Lucky for them, I already have a turkey,
thawing in the pantry fridge.

What's going to be on your table tomorrow?

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Short Days

I guess "winter" is here.
You can't really tell,
although a "cold front" blew through
an hour or so ago and it dropped from
the 80's to the 70's.

But here it is, not even 6 pm
and it's dark.
That is how you tell when winter has
come to Florida.

Short days.
But the weather has cooled somewhat.
Enough that Beau and I can walk in the woods.
With his smashed nose, he can't breath
really well when it is hot.

He enjoyed his first walk out there.
He even got to go "off leash" for about 20 minutes.
Deep in the woods where he couldn't
get into any trouble.

Monday, November 19, 2018


Busy teaching weekend ...
I didn't sleep well Friday night.
Woke up a little after 3 and didn't get
back to sleep despite the soothing, quiet
music I was playing on my phone...
Which made Saturday a LONG day.

Stopped at Chili's after school and picked up a yummy
salad and bowl of soup to eat in my hotel.
After eating I climbed into my bed to read
and realized I was falling asleep.
It was 8:20.
I'm getting old.
Slept like a log.

Sunday morning I woke up to the beginnings
of a cold sore. I get them if I get a sunburn on
my face, or if I get overtired.

Class was good although only 50% of my
students passed the final exam.
I even GAVE them the right answer, 
including the question NUMBER to a
particularly "sticky" question
and some of them STILL got it wrong.
I just can't stress over that stuff.

However, I collect their phones at the 
beginning of the test and when they are
done, while I am grading it, they get their
phone, turn it on, and use it to sign back
into the system so I can enter their score.

When the last student left (8:55) I started
entering scores and realized I was one student short.
I KNOW he logged in, I have to move the keyboard
in order for them to sign.
But the system didn't capture it.

So I started emailing, texting and calling him.
He FINALLY answered his phone at 9:30.
Said he could drive back over and be there in 20.
So I called my boss.
He approved another night in a hotel.
I used the next 20 minutes to finish putting
the room back together, bagged up the trash,
that sort of thing, and when he got there
we got him all signed in and then he left,
I got the rest of the scores in and finalized 
and finally left my school at 10:05.

Straight to my hotel to get a room and then
to McDonald's to get a salad to take back with me.

Naturally then I couldn't go to sleep.
Watched a couple of episodes of 
"Beat Bobby Flay".
Super boring and usually a good cure for
insomnia, but not this time!

I was probably asleep shortly after 11:30.
(the last time I looked at the clock)

Eyes open at 6:35.
I didn't even take a suitcase up with me.
So I got up, put my clothes back on,
checked out of the hotel and hit the highway.

Where there was a wreck or construction
or who knows what that had it looking
like a parking lot.

FINALLY made it home by 8:30-ish.
Fed the horses, cows and dogs,
and then jumped back in the car at 9:40 
to make a quick run to Rockledge
(just up the street from my old office)
to deliver some decals Rod made over the
weekend to our last customer.

Back home about 11:20.
And here i sit in my chair, blogging instead
of composing an email to HQ about the
challenges I had with the system yesterday.

Guess I'd better get on that.

I DID, however, receive TWO birthday
packages today!
Thank you Mom & Dad and
Rozann & Greg!

I'm being a good girl.
They are sitting on the speaker in my 
living room, patiently waiting for
my birthday on Saturday.

So far.

Love you guys!

Friday, November 16, 2018


You might have seen the recipe for a cherry crumble
thing on my facebook page yesterday.

This morning I got up.
It was chilly!
Actually put on jeans, a long sleeved shirt
(thermal) and a jacket.
It was 52.

Fed the animals and then came inside
and MADE the cherry stuff!

While it was baking in my toaster oven
(I planned to do it in my air fryer, but
ended up doubling the recipe and
doing it in a 9x13)
I switched to shorts and a tank to do
my morning workout.

And now.......

It's time to EAT!
(That's non-fat greek yogurt with a little
sweetener on top...)

Beau is bummed that it's not okra.
(I share my okra with him but he won't
be getting any of this... poor boy.)

Back turned to indicate annoyance.



Yum! A little dry - the cherries didn't give
as much juice as I hoped, so it was more
like a regular baked oatmeal with cherries,
but still DELICIOUS!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Prayers / Blessings

Thank you to each of you who have
kept my family in their prayers.
Traveling up north to assist with hurricane
relief has been a great opportunity, but
not without challenges.

Mainly, it's a long way.
And our trucks are old.
And the loads they have been pulling
are HEAVY!
(Kyle figures he weighs in around 26,000 pounds)
It's an 8 or 9 hour drive one way, and then they
work long hours doing mental and manual labor.
Kyle says it's exhausting work, even though he
is sitting in his air conditioned cab...
Other people's inexperience around heavy equipment
means they are constantly walking in front, behind,
beside, under his loads, etc.
He has to keep his head on a swivel (even with the 
back-up camera) to make sure he isn't going
to run over and crush a person, animal,
car, building, what have you.

Rod doesn't get to sit.
I've been learning to drive the "Tank".
Running it around our farm a little.
It's fun.
But standing on that little platform
while it bumps and jumps and hops
over all the ruts and hills and dips
is HARD on your knees and legs and
hips and back.

But they have certainly been blessed during this time.
They have built friendships and relationships
with the other members they are working with.

And we realized a huge blessing yesterday.

When the guys got home Sunday night, they were bushed.
We had some rain here and our ground is a little soft.

Kyle pulled his big rig around to back it into his spot
and promptly got stuck.
He was going to have to unload his tractor.
And he was just too tired.
(It was 10:00 at night... after a full day of work
and travel.)

Monday he mostly rested.
And then in the late afternoon he went out,
unloaded his tractor and gave it a good bath.
Put it away in the cow pasture.
And went to move his truck.

Only to find his batteries (big diesel trucks have
TWO giant / oversized batteries...)

He and Rod ran over to the local auto guy
to get them tested, but they didn't have 
the right equipment to test these big boys.

Tuesday morning he headed into the city
to the Interstate Battery folks.
One was still under warranty.
Which is good, because not only are they big,
they are EXPENSIVE.

Turns out it has been 33 months since he changed them last.

We are so blessed and grateful they held out
until he was here.
Not in the Panhandle.
And not on his ranch where his only form of
transportation is his... tractor? UTV? Feet?

So thank you again for your prayers.
The Lord answers and protects.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Monday Monday

Happy Monday!
And belated Happy Remembrance Day.

I had a nice, small class this weekend.
Only 10 students.
All super nice.
A retired English / Reading teacher sat
directly in front of me and we had
some really good conversations.
He was fascinating.

Saturday was just a good class.
Sunday I was tired.
Kept watching the clock and couldn't
believe I still had SO MANY HOURS
left to go... hahahaha.
Usually it's the STUDENTS who feel that way.

Finally finished up.
I was done "teaching" material early, so
the students spent the last hour or so
working on their workbooks and I
got all my materials put back in my
cabinet so I would be ready to leave 
the minute class was over.

Best laid plans...

A student had an issue.
And then another student had an issue.
And then I remembered the trash.

Finally rolled out of there 30 minutes later.

Rod called, they were on the road heading 
south, I was on the road heading north.
I had a good book (Baldacci) to listen to.
Glanced down at my GPS and had 2.9 miles
to my exit.
And then, there it went!

The next exit was 36 miles away.
And of course the road changes direction,
so then I had to drive another 25 miles
east to join the highway I was supposed to be on.
So I exceeded my mileage limit for the week.
(no big deal)
And I was an hour late getting home.
But I finished my book.....

The guys got there about 10 minutes before me.
We were all tired, sat and visited for a few
minutes and then headed to bed.

This morning we were up early again,
Rod had an eye doctor appointment at 7:30.
(He took the day off to rest up from 
working over the weekend...)

His eye pressure is great.
The doctor was very pleased.

We came home, ate some yummy breakfast,
and now he's out back, moving a pile of old
hay Kyle had pulled out from the cow's
hay shed and left in the pasture to dry a little.

I'm doing laundry, dishes, and blogging.

And then we might all take a nap.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Cattle and More

Again with the BUSY week!

Wednesday morning found me up EARLY
to feed the horses and cows,
load up my car and head over to Linda's
house to be there by 9:00.

(It only took 15 minutes to feed the animals,
but much longer than that to feed me,
pack my clothes, eat my breakfast... lol)

I have 2 fresh fried eggs (I've still got some,
I get about 5 eggs a week now) and a BIG pile
of okra done in my air fryer every morning.
It's a lot of food and takes 20 minutes to cook
and about 20 minutes to eat! LOL
(Although I rushed through the last and fed some
of the okra to Beau - strange little dog loves
okra and broccoli, but do NOT offer him
a green bean. Harumph...)

I was only 3 minutes late.

We switched my stuff from my car into her's
and headed over to Orlando to the temple.
She had some names for each of us,
so we did Initiatories and were there just
in time to catch the 11:00 session.
It was so calm and peaceful.
Linda has had a kind of stressful couple of days.
We knew we were heading to Gainesville on Wed
anyway, so on Sunday after Relief Society I
suggested we make a detour to the temple on the way.

When we finished up there we went over to the
clothing store (on the temple grounds) and I
bought another copy of next year's lesson manual
(the ward got one for each family but I want my own)
and changed our clothes - jeans are better for travel,
especially when your end destination is the ranch
where there are no amenities (yet).

A quick 2 hour drive up to the ranch.
We took a tour, driving the new Can Am,
and Kyle showed off all the work he has done up
there lately and then we walked from the hay barn
over to his mobile home and toured that as well.
She had never been inside.
Showed her the plans he has to customize it a little
for himself. She definitely approved of all of them.
And then of course we went out and visited 
the cows and the babies.
(Who aren't looking very baby-ish anymore...)

We headed over to Gainesville where I had made
a reservation at the Hampton.
Checked in and relaxed for a bit while Kyle
finished up doing his daily stuff and then
he drove over and met us for dinner.
We are SUPER fancy. We walked next door to
Waffle House.
We love Waffle House!

He headed back to the ranch and we headed
to our hotel and bed.
Unfortunately, neither of us slept much.
We were asleep by about 9 and both were 
wide awake by midnight.
We both put in some headphones and turned
on our books and tried to let that lull
us to sleep. Cat napped throughout the rest
of the night.
And then the alarms went off at 6.
(It was hot. 
Then it was cold. 
The bed was hard. 
blah blah blah)

Showers, packing, etc and then downstairs
to grab some breakfast in the lobby
and then in the car to drive 40 minutes to Ocala.

We were scheduled to spend the day at the
Florida Cattlemen's Association convention
and trade show.
Kyle met us there.

It was GREAT!

We learned about a fantastic idea for working cattle.
(SUPER expensive, but a really nice system...)

The cow is in the rust colored chute on the left...

We had a presentation by a local vet on doing
ultrasound pregnancy testing on your cows
as an alternative to blood testing or the old fashioned
method of just sticking your arm in...

Keeping the picture small... lol

We broke out into mini classes and I learned
what it feels like to palpate a pregnant cow.
Without the cow.
It was fascinating.
And stinky.
Kyle and Linda have each attended a 4-day school
at the church ranch and have each done it
WITH a real cow (which involves a glove that
goes all the way to your shoulder... hint hint)
so they opted out, but I donned my little blue glove
and dove right in.

Then there was a class on weeds.
Poisonous and non-poisonous.
They had several live weeds for us to identify.
Kyle got most of them right!
And we got posters to take home with us!

There was an excellent little lunch.
Pulled pork, the worlds BEST loaded mashed potatoes,
and some macaroni salad.
Totally not on plan, but the great thing about
Trim Healthy, is you are never more than 3 hours
away from getting right back on.
And nobody ever RUINED anything
with one off-plan meal.

After lunch we had a fascinating class on forage and feed.
What grasses to grow when and what food to 
supplement with and how to coordinate nature
with your breeding program.
(for example, figure out when your grass is best and
plan to have your cows calving and nursing then...)
We got a really good take-away book and Kyle
and I made a TON of notes.
(Linda was having a little nap... lol)

Wrapped it up with a presentation on 
Cattle Futures and what prices are likely
to be for the next couple of years.
(Low until 2020 and then a spike for the 
next decade... basically, hang in there,
better times are just around the corner...)

Most of it was really technical and you could
watch the REAL ranchers hanging on his every
word and making notes, etc.
We felt like he was speaking Greek.
One day we will understand.
We hope.

Then they had a door prize drawing.
Kyle was REALLY hoping for the Yeti cooler.

First prize drawn: $50 gift card - LINDA!
Second prize drawn: 200 pound protein bucket - COLLETTE!
Third prize drawn: 150 pounds cow feed - KYLE!

And no, he didn't win the Yeti.

We went out and got our prizes - I traded Kyle.
I would have loved the protein bucket,
but it was SO heavy there was no way we 
could have gotten it in Linda's truck
and NO WAY we would have gotten it out.
And he was going to buy a protein bucket
for the ranch this week anyway.

He headed to the ranch and we headed south.

I was WIPED out!
Stopped at Tractor Supply (Linda lives just around
the corner) and picked up some beet pulp
for the horses and saw a great sign!

And then to Sam's Club to get some food for the guys
for their Panhandle Hurricane Rescue trip this weekend,
and then Rod and I met at ...

Home so Rod could finish loading up
and I fell asleep on the couch.
Slept like a log and woke up when Rod
got up to leave this morning.
He was out of here by about 5:30 this morning.

I was up and feeding by 7.
Put a saddle on Andy (after giving him some Bute)
and we went for a ride out in the woods.
The Town is doing some new promotional stuff
and needed a picture of a horse and rider out on
the trails so I agreed to meet them out there.

We had a nice ride for about 2 hours.
There were a couple of spots where Andy
decided he was done and we were NOT going down
that trail! But we eventually got where we were going,
took some pictures and video,
and then headed home again.
(At a good, motivated Trot... his idea... lol)

We were both tired by the time we got home.
I gave him a nice cool shower,
and came in to make some breakfast
and get ready for this weekend's school.

And now you are all caught up!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

No More Chicken Yard

Kyle continued working hard yesterday...
took down all the fence around the chicken yard.
It's pretty old fence - it used to be our garden.

Using heavy equipment makes it easier!

It seems so BIG in there now!

It will make good pasture for the animals.

It's good to have him home when he is bored.
He gets SO much done!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Such Talent!

The guys were in town over the weekend.
I bet they wished they had gone north.
It would have been less work.

I'm a hard task master.

I looked all through my photos.
I guess I don't have a "before" picture.
So you'll just have to trust me.
The space beside Buddy's stall was 
We sort of stacked (threw) all the
extra stuff we didn't know what to do
with right there.
And the weeds grew tall.
It was a MESS!

Not anymore!

You might remember my chicken yard.
This was 2 weeks ago after a rain storm.
To the left is the large "condo".
Straight ahead is the little red coop.

The condo was our original coop the guys built.
It used to be shorter.
When it was a "tractor" and was out in the pasture.
But then they moved it into the chicken yard
and raised it up a couple of feet so I could walk in.

It took the the better part of the day
to move it. They used a 4 wheeler
and a bunch of large pvc pipes - and did
it like the ancient Egyptians did.
They worked HARD!
And I loved it.

Until this weekend.

When they decided to take down some fences.
Clean out the corner by Buddy's stall.
And move the coop.

This is a 4 minute video.
Fast forward to about the 2 minute mark.
Or watch the whole thing.
Kyle is AMAZING.

At one point he calls Rod over and reminds
him that if he drops it, it will crush him.
He should probably stand back.

I'm not nearly as good at running the camera
as he is at running his equipment.
But WOW!

They rebuilt the fence around it.

And now my chickens are in the space
next to Buddy's stall.

We are going to paint the door
cuz. ugh. It's ugly!
Kyle thinks we should paint the whole
thing barn red.
But I like the weathered wood look.
However that door has got to go.
I'll pick up some red paint for that...

we (Rod, the master chicken catcher) moved
the "babies" into it so they have a nice
new home. Close to the barn (and the food).
They left the fence down, and the rest of it
is coming down today.
(Kyle is out there now...)
We are turning the chicken yard back into pasture.
The grass should grow GREAT in there.

Here's to a hand full of blue eggs
everyday (starting in a couple more weeks)
and the end of the egg business era.
I'm happy/sad. 
But mostly happy.

(There are a few of the original flock left...
I'm keeping them as "yard chickens" so they
can clean up after the horses and cows
everyday and keep the flies under control.)
I got 2 eggs yesterday.
That's good enough.
For now.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Radio Silence

Sorry for the radio silence.
I've been BUSY!

Last weekend I finished up my October class.
It was a good class, started out medium sized
and we lost several students as the days 
went by. But those that remained were
lots of fun, but as the years go by,
I find it more and more tiring to teach.
I still LOVE it though.
And I'm blessed to be able to rest up
during the week between classes,
so it's all good.

The guys were out of town helping those
in the Panhandle who were so devastated
by the hurricanes. It wasn't the same sort of
devastation they saw in Key West.
The Panhandle is COVERED in trees.
They are saying we lost MILLIONS (plural)
of old growth trees up there.
Most of the jobs the guys were called on
had an average of 20 to 30 trees down.
Massive loss.
You plant pine and then you wait for 40 years
for it to be ready to harvest.
In the meantime, you harvest the pine needles
each year and sell it for garden mulch, etc
and that's what you live on while you wait.
It's all gone now.

We all got back Sunday night, within an hour or
so of each other. And we all were EXHAUSTED
on Monday. Rod had the day off, so we got back
in the truck and headed up to our feed mill.
All the feed barrels were empty.
It always feels good to have 1200 pounds of
feed in the barn.

Tuesday morning I decided it was time to
do something about my lazy chickens.
I still had 50+ and only got EIGHT eggs.
Kyle got out there and we dispatched 36 chickens,
leaving me a dozen or so and 2 roosters.
That's too many roosters, but Fred is an OLD
man we raised from an egg and we just
couldn't kill him. George is a good rooster,
he's young, only a year old, so I will likely keep
him anyway. We'll figure something out.

I sent Brock (next door) a text letting him know
I was getting rid of my chickens that day and
wouldn't be selling eggs anymore. (We have
talked about it for several months - I thought
I could hold out until Thanksgiving when my
new girls would take over, but last week I only
had 8 dozen eggs for the entire week - I remember
when I used to have 30! and at only $3 per dozen
its not worth it...) He has a commercial supplier
that he orders from on Tuesdays, so it wasn't
a problem for him, and a relief for me.

Kyle and I also went to our town's new
Yamaha dealership to look at side-by-sides
to replace the old worn out one at the ranch.
We found a nice one and sent some information
to Linda and her daughter, Gina, to think
about for the future.

Wednesday found us driving Kyle's car up to the ranch
to move the cows, check out a source for
fence posts and just basically check stuff over.

On the way up, Kyle got a text from Gina.
She found another side-by-side up in the
Gainesville area for a good price - we should
go buy it right now.
But we didn't have the credit card or the check book.
Or the truck.

So we went up. 
We looked at it.
We bought it.
(With a deposit...)

And then we went back to the ranch,
checked the cows, walked through Kyle's house and
made some plans for the future and headed home.
We got home late.

Looking into his new kitchen.
Not a bad looking little kitchen.
And then Thursday morning we got up again,
jumped in Kyle's truck and drove over to Linda's
to pick up our trailer and head back to the ranch again.

We went to the dealership, picked up the new
side-by-side, loaded it up, drove it over
to the ranch and took it for a ride!
It's FUN!
It's fast.
It's NICE.
And it has super comfy seats!

We drove around and checked all the fences,
visited with the cows,
and then it was time to drive home again.

Kyle is a cow whisperer... they love him!
The babies are growing up and they are curious!
We made it home just 10 minutes before Rod got
back from his High Council meeting.

We were all sound asleep within 30 minutes.

This morning (Friday) Kyle and I slept it.
(Poor Rod)
And then I got up, fed the animals,
caught up on my BoM reading (I was 2 days behind),
baked some yummy little cookie/brownie things
(chocolate / peanut butter... YUM)
showered, changed and headed out to
meet Linda for lunch for her birthday today.
We went to Red Robin for some delicious sandwiches
and a fun conversation. The poor server kept
coming over to get our order and we still hadn't
even looked at the menu. She finally brought over
a basket of french fries so we didn't starve.
We ended up ordering two of the exact same thing.

I'm home now.
I need to make hotel reservations.
We are all going back up to Gainesville on Wednesday
for a cow seminar thing on Thursday.

Hope you are having a wonderful Friday!
I am!