Monday, November 5, 2018

Such Talent!

The guys were in town over the weekend.
I bet they wished they had gone north.
It would have been less work.

I'm a hard task master.

I looked all through my photos.
I guess I don't have a "before" picture.
So you'll just have to trust me.
The space beside Buddy's stall was 
We sort of stacked (threw) all the
extra stuff we didn't know what to do
with right there.
And the weeds grew tall.
It was a MESS!

Not anymore!

You might remember my chicken yard.
This was 2 weeks ago after a rain storm.
To the left is the large "condo".
Straight ahead is the little red coop.

The condo was our original coop the guys built.
It used to be shorter.
When it was a "tractor" and was out in the pasture.
But then they moved it into the chicken yard
and raised it up a couple of feet so I could walk in.

It took the the better part of the day
to move it. They used a 4 wheeler
and a bunch of large pvc pipes - and did
it like the ancient Egyptians did.
They worked HARD!
And I loved it.

Until this weekend.

When they decided to take down some fences.
Clean out the corner by Buddy's stall.
And move the coop.

This is a 4 minute video.
Fast forward to about the 2 minute mark.
Or watch the whole thing.
Kyle is AMAZING.

At one point he calls Rod over and reminds
him that if he drops it, it will crush him.
He should probably stand back.

I'm not nearly as good at running the camera
as he is at running his equipment.
But WOW!

They rebuilt the fence around it.

And now my chickens are in the space
next to Buddy's stall.

We are going to paint the door
cuz. ugh. It's ugly!
Kyle thinks we should paint the whole
thing barn red.
But I like the weathered wood look.
However that door has got to go.
I'll pick up some red paint for that...

we (Rod, the master chicken catcher) moved
the "babies" into it so they have a nice
new home. Close to the barn (and the food).
They left the fence down, and the rest of it
is coming down today.
(Kyle is out there now...)
We are turning the chicken yard back into pasture.
The grass should grow GREAT in there.

Here's to a hand full of blue eggs
everyday (starting in a couple more weeks)
and the end of the egg business era.
I'm happy/sad. 
But mostly happy.

(There are a few of the original flock left...
I'm keeping them as "yard chickens" so they
can clean up after the horses and cows
everyday and keep the flies under control.)
I got 2 eggs yesterday.
That's good enough.
For now.

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