Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tuesday. Nothing to do today.

This morning starting out... weird.

I woke up around 5 to make sure Rod
had food to take to work with him.

And then I headed back to bed.
Usually I kind of doze off and on
and get up around 8 to workout.

This time I went back to SLEEP.
Like HARD sleep.
And a very specific, very detailed,
very annoying dream.
In a new site.
With no white board.
And electronics that wouldn't work.
And a 2 year old.
And a deaf woman.
And someone stole my car.
And, and, and, and, and.
It went on and on and on!

After all these terrible things happened,
I thought, you know, it's March in Florida
so home office sends out auditors
*cuz who doesn't want to come to Florida
in March...
I'll bet MONEY I had an auditor this morning.
And I'm probably fired.

And with that, my eyes flew open and I was awake.
And it was 9:18!!!!!!!!
My poor dogs!
(They had been in their crates for MANY hours...)

Which meant no workout this morning.
But I did get everybody fed.
Just as I was getting up, the sisters texted,
one of them left her book bag.
I offered to drop it off for them.

Fed the animals,
fed me,
got cleaned up,
dragged the garbage can out to the street,
realized I missed the trash guys,
dragged the garbage can back to the house,
drove to the wrong apartment,
(the elders live there now...)
drove to the right apartment,
drove in to town to Walmart to pick up
the dishwasher soap I forgot yesterday,
drove further into town to pick up 200# horse feed,
drove back to the house,
remembered I was supposed to stop at town hall
to sign off on the minutes I typed up
last week (they were approved last night at
the regular town council meeting...).
Drove to town hall, signed, visited,
and came home to unload the feed and 
head into the house to eat a bowl of leftovers.

Good thing I didn't have anything to do today!

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