Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Wednesday Fun.

I always forget to look, but yesterday I
posted blog #1050!!!!

I love Wednesdays.
It USED to be the day I washed all my eggs.
So just not having to do that anymore
makes this a good day by default.

It's also the day we get a new
Trim Healthy Mama podcast.
It's 45 minutes of random chatter
between the sisters with little nuggets
of knowledge interspersed in.
It's mostly just fun.

Kyle mentioned that he was tired of
always buying (or swiping from me)
rolls of paper towels.
Amazing how that works when you start
paying your own bills, eh?
So he went to his Wal-Mart and bought a
stack of cheap dishcloths.
(18 rags for $3.98!)
He keeps them in a drawer in his kitchen
and everyday when he washes his dishes
and cleans his sink and counters he grabs
a washrag instead of a handful of paper towels
and when he is done he tosses it directly
into the washing machine.
I thought that sounded brilliant, so I went
out yesterday and got me a stack.
I don't have any empty drawer
(he has a brand new kitchen so he has lots
of empty drawers...)
so I just have them stacked on top of my
microwave. I'll probably get a cute basket
or something, but for now...


This morning after I ate my breakfast it
was time to clean my kitchen.
Grabbed a washrag.
It worked great!
The rag has a little bit of a nap to it,
so it actually cleaned better than
a paper towel!
And when I was done, it went right
into the washing machine.
Thanks Kyle!

(Yes, I know, EVERYBODY already does that...
but I've been a paper towel fan for years...)

Rod mentioned today that he was out of
breakfast bars. So as soon as I get my pan
out of the dishwasher, that's on my list of things
I need to do today.
I have two 9x13 pans, I think this week I
will make both a pan of german pancake and
a pan of giant blueberry pancake.
That way he will have some variety in his life.

And as long as the oven is on,
I'm going to bake some bacon
and even make some lemon poppy seed cupcakes.

My Roomba ran this morning, so this is also when
I mop my floors. No point in mopping when there
is a bunch of stuff on the floor.
There is ALWAYS sand on my floors.
But its better after the Roomba spends an hour
bumping around.
(Which reminds me, I probably need to
dump her out...)

Kyle got a letter letting him know he had jury
duty today, but luckily when he called last
night they didn't need him.
Which means no quick trip today!
Good news since he is NEARLY finished
prepping his fields. He would really like to
get the seed in the ground before the rains
really get started.

He still needs to get here a little earlier than
usual on Friday because his tags and 
drivers license will all expire on Sunday
(his birthday)
so he needs to spend Friday afternoon at
the DMV. 
I'll make an appointment for him,
so hopefully it won't be an all afternoon thing.

Meanwhile, I've got YouTube playing
a bunch of videos from a young cattle farmer.
He kind of reminds me of Kyle.
He sees something that needs doing,
and then he does it.
And if there is a way to make it BETTER,
he does that too.
(Right now he is fixing his cattle squeeze chute...)
I'm learning a lot!

Anyhow, time to get back to it.
Enjoy YOUR Wednesday!

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