Friday, October 11, 2019

Crisis Averted

We nearly had a catastrophic crisis this morning.

I used my very LAST bag of frozen cut Okra.


But after a quick trip to the local WalMarts,
(after a stop at the Town Hall to get my
assignments for next week...)

It's all good again.

I'm good for a week.
(Yup, I generally use half a bag each day...)

Plus a trip to Aldi yesterday and I'm good for
Cauli-rice and Broccoli.

But I'm going to need more blueberries.
Probably next week.

This is the fruit/veggie freezer.
Plus a box and some bags of random
meat bones.
They are for the dogs.
But there's actually quite a bit of meat on them,
so I sometimes cook them up in the pressure
cooker first and get some good bone broth
and THEN give them to the dogs.

Multi-tasking at its finest!

I can sleep easier now.

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