Monday, December 2, 2019

Oops - Time Got Away Again!

What with Thanksgiving and all,
I got busy and forgot to blog.

This week I'm busy again...
but I'll try to stay in better touch.

Today I started a 30 day challenge
with T-Tapp.
I know.
A challenge over Christmas???
It's no big deal.
Just remembering to do 15 minutes in the
morning throughout the month.
But accountability really helps!

I also forgot to renew the tags on my car
on my birthday, so I have an appointment
in an hour to run to the DMV and get all
the tags that are going to be due this month.
(Both the big trucks and over the weekend
when we were at Rural King in Lake Wales
someone "borrowed" the tag off our trailer.
So I get to buy a new one for that as well...)

Then tomorrow I have my first
Stake Primary Pres meeting down in
Vero Beach at the Chick Fil A (since
none of us have a key to the Stake Center)
at 9:45! In the MORNING!
Since it's a 45 minute drive I'll need to be
pulling out of the gate no later than 9.
Which means I'm going to need to be up
much earlier than normal to get all the
animals fed before I leave.
And we had a cold front blow through so
it's supposed to be high 30's in the morning.

If you don't hear from me again.
I froze to death.

Then Tuesday night we have an Empty Nester
activity at the church.
I need to get a small gift under $5 and a 
snack-y thing for us all to eat.

Then Wednesday morning my farrier is coming
to do the horse's pedicures.
I'm not going to have Andy's done.

And Wednesday evening we are having the
elders over for dinner.
And then Kyle is coming home from the 
ranch so he can work at the local farm
for the rest of the week.
But mostly because there is a night rocket
launch Wed night at 12:51 and we want
to watch it from the beach.
(BRRRRRR but if there aren't clouds, 
it is worth it!)

Thursday Rod has High Council but I think
my calendar is clear... so far.
And Friday I head down to Bonita Springs
for the weekend.
I already have 24 people registered!
That's good!

And somewhere in there I need to finish the
typing for the Town that I've been putting
off the the last couple of weeks.
I did 2 hours today.
That's about as much as my shoulders can do.
(Especially since the workout I chose this morning
was VERY shoulder concentrated...)

Meanwhile, I'd better get ready to hit the road.
DMV - here I come!

Yesterday at the beach.
Notice the Christmas earrings!

(Kyle wasn't feeling well, so we headed down there
in the late afternoon to see if that would help.)

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